7 benefits of using paper bags

When you go shopping you have to make an important decision: which bag you choose. Supermarkets and shops offer plastic bags, some made of fabric or others of ecological paper. But which ones are the best? At present, packaging made from natural material that does not harm the environment has become more popular. So, know the benefits of using paper bags and choose the best option when going for your food or clothing.
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7 benefits of using paper bags for society
The best way to know which bag to use is to value each of its environmental advantages
Minimizes pollution
The use of the paper bags, restrain the carbon dioxide emissions, since, this material absorbs the manifestations of this compound. Because of this, it is possible to reduce the degree of pollution.
Contributes to the growth of forest mass
One of the benefits of using paper bags, is that they bet on forests. Because, the ecological legitimations of this type of bags, confirm that they come from forests managed 100% sustainably. Therefore, they favour the expansion of the forest mass
Reduces climate change
The paper industry is the one that maintains the forests, which are continuously being reforested. In this way, it is possible to reduce climate change.
Biodegradable and reusable
One of the biggest benefits of using paper bags is that they are biodegradable. This means that if one of these packages falls into a field, it disappears completely without leaving any kind of toxic residue, becoming a fertilizer. As a result, the impact on the ecosystem is minimal.
In addition, paper bags are reusable after your shopping. This saves costs, in fact, there are several ways to use them, for example, to wrap a gift or make a new bag.
Resistant and economical
They are characterized by being a very affordable element, even for a very limited budget. They are also usually accessible and practical for companies, since they are super easy to decorate and allow for more elegant designs than plastic ones. Although their price is low, the quality is good and they can have a long life. The thickness is 100 gr or 120 gr, which makes them quite resistant. The smaller paper bags can support more than 2 kg of weight and the larger ones tolerate up to 14 kg.

On the other hand, the new generation of paper bags has the capacity to withstand the humidity generated when transporting refrigerated goods.
Diversity of uses
Since paper bags are recyclable and sustainable, they can be turned into another product to contribute to the environment. It should be noted that each one can be recovered up to 5 times. Also, they are used as an advertising tool, so they make a massive message. Their various utilities generate confidence in users, so they choose this option.
Different customized formats
The format of each bag is different, as some are small and compact, others are square and have a medium size. Also, there are vertical and narrow ones like those used for bottle wrapping. Likewise, there are the landscape ones that offer a touch of originality or the big ones with a bellows at the base, for heavier purchases.
On the other hand, the paper used for the bags can be printed with any design. Similarly, you can decorate them with ribbons, collages or other adornments according to your style.
Watch an easy idea for paper bag decoration in the following video:
Paper bags: an alternative to plastic
Plastic bags are harmful to the environment because the raw material they are made from is not natural. Therefore, it does not decompose easily, in fact, it can last up to more than 100 years in the process of decomposition causing pollution to water, animals and soil. In contrast, paper is biodegradable, easily disintegrates and is lightweight, so it can be used for different purposes.
Now that you know the benefits of using paper bags, go ahead and use them when you go shopping. Also, if you are going to use them in your business, remember that they give a reliable and effective image.
What are the environmental benefits of using paper bags?
Not only will we minimize pollution, we will contribute to the growth of the forest mass, we will reduce climate change.
Why are paper bags biodegradable and reusable?
They are because they disappear without leaving toxic residues. They are even compostable.
Benefits of using paper bags: are they resistant and economical?
They are characterized by being a very affordable item, even for a very limited budget. They are also often accessible and practical for companies,
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