8 surefire ideas for recycling in the office and at home

8 ideas infalibles de reciclaje en oficina y en casa

Currently, recycling actions in the kitchen and recycling at home have been implemented as part of the actions to reduce the negative effects onthe environment.

There are several ideas for recycling in the office that we can put into practice to promote social actions that contribute to the environment.

Here we present you 8 infallible ideas that will allow you to learn how to do recycling at home and at the office.

8 ideas for recycling at the office

8 ideas de reciclaje en la oficina

Among the ideas for recycling in the office, which allow us to promote actions that benefit the environment and encourage new consumption habits in the office, we have

Decrease carbon dioxide

A good measure is to promote the use of public transport, bicycles or car pooling

Whether it is to go to the office or back home, it encourages workersto share rides.

Use less paper

Another idea for recycling in the kitchen is to reduce the use of paper, thus avoiding the destruction of forests by indiscriminate logging.

Leave aside the use of printed communications and documents, to give way to sending information through digital tools such as email.

In addition to this, using sheets of paper on both sides, reusing folders, dividers and envelopes is an excellent alternative to reduce the use of paper in the office.

Fewer disposable products

An excellent idea for recycling in the office, which will contribute to the reduction of single-use products, is to use rechargeable products and avoid disposable products.

You can choose to use refillable cartridges and reusable office supplies.

Environmentally friendly? better!

An alternative that will contribute to recycling in the office is the use of environmentally friendly material in your company.

This will not only allow you to train your team but also promote the conservation of the environment

Turn the printer cartridge over again

One idea for recycling in the office is the use of refillable ink cartridges and toners, which will avoid replacement with a new cartridge by implementing a refill system that will fill empty toners for reuse.

Use recycling bins

Using recycling bins is an action that will facilitate the sorting of recyclable and non-recyclable materials in the office.

In addition to boosting recycling in the office effectively by depositing waste in the appropriate bins.

Efficient energy consumption

The efficient consumption of energy favors the care of the environment, some actions that can be used for recycling in the office are

  • Enjoy and take advantage of natural light in the office.
  • Turn off computers, printers and other electronic equipment at the end of the working day, as well as the office lights.

These actions not only contribute to the environment, but also save significant amounts of money.

Glass instead of plastic

The use of glass instead of plastic is an ideal alternative for recycling in the office, since by using glass bottles it is possible to reduce the use and excessive consumption of plastic.

Another idea for recycling in the office is to bring plates, glasses and cutlery for lunchtime, thus avoiding the use of disposable plates and glasses.

Recycling at home: quick and easy

Reciclaje en casa: Rápido y fácil

Recycling at home is an action that will allow you to promote changes that improve the quality of life, as well as the sustainable effects of recycling.

Among the recommendations to carry out an adequate recycling at home we have:

Buy your colored bins

Buying coloured buckets will allow you to sort the waste.

With the right bins, you can sort your waste and throw it correctly in the external containers.

Reuse as much as possible

A perfect alternative to recycling at home is to give a second chance to some material or utensil that can be reused for another function, which allows to diminish the effects on the environment.

Avoid buying plastic-wrapped products

To promote recycling at home, it is necessary to avoid the purchase of products wrapped in plastic, reducing the use of contaminating elements that require long periods of time to decompose.

An alternative to go shopping for food is to use paper or cloth bags.

Teach the importance of recycling at home

Strengthening the education and values of children about the importance of caring for the environment will teach them how to recycle at home.

Providing the necessary tools to learn in a simple and fun way how to care for and protect their environment.

Recycle gloves and mouthpieces

At present, in view of the health emergency that we are experiencing due to Covid-19, it has become necessary to wear gloves and mask.

For this reason, learning how to recycle gloves and mouthpieces at home is important for the proper disposal of these implements.

The ideal way to dispose of this type of safety clothing at home is to use a bag that is marked so that it contains only this type of waste.

To ensure that recyclers do not touch this hazardous waste, it is recommended that you use the toilet waste bin.

Caution with used oil

One way to recycle used oil at home is to use a special container suitable for dumping this type of waste.

Generally, glass containers are used which, when filled, are taken to collection points, thus avoiding throwing the oil down the toilet.

Fewer bottles and brick containers

Another form of home recycling that will optimize storage space is done by reducing the size of plastic waste and brick packaging.

Crushing bricks, plastic bottles and folding metal cans will reduce the size and risk of cuts.

Remember to manage special waste

Managing special waste at home such as batteries, electronic equipment and medicines requires the use of suitable containers for their disposal.

This type of waste has toxic elements in its composition that are harmful to health and the environment, so it must be deposited in specific containers.

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