
qué es airlaid y qué ventajas tiene

The airlaid is a biodegradable product, of high quality and versatility, which has a wide variety of applications in the hospitality area. Thanks to its absorption capacity, up to 10 times its weight in liquid, it is an excellent alternative to replace cloth.

What is airlaid?

Also known as dry tissue, airlaid is a type of textile material made from 100% cellulose. These cellulose fibers are dry-processed with an air technique and then bonded with EVA RUBBER, resulting in a material very similar to fabric.

Products made with airlaid

Due to its absorption properties, resistance and softness, it is an excellent disposable alternative to dress the table with style and practicality. The most common products manufactured with this type of material are tablecloths and cloth napkins, available in different colors.

Advantages of airlaid

Below, we explain the benefits of this material for the hospitality business and the care of the environment:

  • Its soft texture prevents skin reactions and itching.
  • It has no static electricity.
  • Due to its composition, it provides high resistance and absorption.
  • For greater cleanliness and hygiene, it can be sterilized.
  • Its surface allows embossing, painting and printing logos and brands.
  • As it is a natural and biodegradable material, it contributes to the conservation of the environment.

Find out many more terms in our Catering and Hospitality Dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is airlaid?

Airlaid is a very thick and resistant material, very useful for the hospitality industry. It has a high capacity to absorb liquids, and its texture is very pleasant to the touch compared to normal paper.

Advantages of airlaid

This material is an economical and convenient product that offers both the elegance of tissue and the practicality of disposable. Other advantages of airlaid include its soft texture, non-irritating, strong, paintable, clean and hygienic surface.

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