Back-to-school hygiene measures

After several months in confinement due to Covid-19 and the progressive start of the de-escalation process, we have reached a new normality Hygiene and care measures are now part of the landscape.
The new normality is also loaded with many concerns and questions, which have been answered by day-to-day measures.
At the moment, the issue at hand is the return to school and what are the hygiene measures to ensure that there is control of contagion when classes are called.
For its part, the Government agreed on measures with the autonomous communities. They establish the mandatory use of masks from the age of six, in addition to other provisions such as the distance between people.
This is expected to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection in the classroom.
Next, we will share the hygiene measures that will be implemented for a safe return to school.
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Water-alcoholic gel
The use of hydroalcoholic hand gel is one of the measures to be implemented in each school, by placing hydroalcoholic gel dispensers at the entrance of the institution and in each of the classrooms.
In this way, students will use the sanitary gel on their hands every time they enter and leave the study center and the classrooms.
In addition, the study centres will have soap and water to ensure keep children’s hands clean and strengthen hygiene measures.
One of the mandatory measures for children over six years of age, in this return to face-to-face classes, is the use of masks within the study centre.
Children must wear the mask when they enter the institution and wear it in the classroom during classes, recess and the dining room even when there is a distance between students.
Proper hand washing is a very important hygiene measure in this return to school
The use of soap and water is recommended, although an ideal alternative that will help you maintain hand hygiene is the use of hydroalcoholic gel.
For this reason, from teachers to students should wash their hands properly when entering and leaving the study center, before and after going to the playground during recess, before eating and after going to the bathroom
Safety Distance
The safety distance will be maintained at all times. For this reason, students should maintain a separation of at least five feet.
As for the coexistence groups, they must guarantee that there is no contact between groups that are different from what is established, thus limiting the interaction with the members of each group.
Temperature measurement
Another hygiene measure that will be present in this return to face-to-face classes will be temperature taking.
Which will be made to all staff and students before entering the study center, the arrangement of this measure will depend on each institution.
One measure that should not be lost sight of is avoid crowds of teachers, students and representatives.
To this end, several entrances and exits to the study centre must be enabled, with timetables that allow for the entry and exit of students to flow in a staggered manner.
Dining rooms
As for the use of the dining rooms, these must be enabled so that when food is served a distance of at least one and a half meters is maintained between the students.
In order to facilitate the location of each student in the dining room, they will be assigned a fixed place, thus avoiding contact with students from other groups.
Recommendations on transport
Among the recommendations for the use of transport are the use of the mask, which is mandatory for children over 6 years of age, although it is recommended that they be used by children between 3 and 5 years old who enjoy the transport service.
Another alternative that is also implemented in the dining rooms, is the allocation of fixed seats for children, this measure will facilitate the control of students within the transport.
Compliance coordination
The compliance coordinator is the monitoring figure and check the information related to Covid-19.
Among its functions is to request information from health entities to keep up to date on new provisions or guidelines related to the pandemic, as well as to ensure that the study centre disseminates this information
Water-alcoholic hand gel and other products
To maintain adequate hygiene and promote measures to reduce the spread of Covid-19, in Single-use we make available a series of products that will help you achieve preventive hygiene.
Among them is the use of hydroalcoholic gel, which is considered an excellent alternative for hand hygiene.
The hand sanitizing gel is capable of eliminating in a few minutes up to 90% of the microorganisms that affect health, moisturizing and at the same time protecting the skin.
Another product you can find in Monouso’s online shop is the disposable masksused as a means of protection for prevent the spread of contagious diseases, such as Covid-19.
In addition, at Monouso we offer you a practical and economic solution that guarantees the hygiene of the user, we talk about soap dispenserswhich can also be used to serve the hydroalcoholic gel.
Soap or water-alcohol gel dispensers are easy to use tools, as it will dispense the amount you require to wash your hands at the touch of a button.
Enter our website and discover the wide variety of products available to provide the best solution to your requirements.
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