
Bagasse is one of the most successful materials used to produce more sustainable packaging. Its popularity lies not only in its ecological qualities, but also in its strength, versatility and high quality.
By producing packaging made from bagasse, you are helping to build a greener planet.
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What is bagasse and how is it obtained?
Bagasse arises as a residue after the crushing, pressing or maceration process of different natural products such as fruits, seeds or stalks. The fibrous leftovers resulting from this process form bagasse.
Bagasse is an important element in the sustainable packaging manufacturing industry. Packaging made from sugarcane or corn bagasse is not only compostable, but also versatile and of high quality.
At the industrial level, the bagasse is obtained in a bagasse dewatering plant. This has the capacity to automatically separate the fiber from the sugarcane pith, resulting in large piles of bagasse.
Subsequently, this bagasse is subjected to another industrial process together with other materials for the production of sustainable packaging that is optimal for trade. At this point, it is important to highlight the hospitality sector as its main purchaser.
What kind of products can we manufacture from bagasse?
Until recently, bagasse was discarded or burned by industries. But thanks to technological progress, it has been discovered that this organic waste can be very useful for the manufacture of paper, corrugated medium cardboard and packaging for the food sector.
Bagasse is an important resource for the manufacture of paper and corrugated cardboard because it contains a high percentage of natural fibers. In fact, 80% of the final product is made from sugarcane bagasse.
However, it should be noted that sugarcane bagasse is perfect for the production of eco-friendly fast food and takeaway packaging. In addition, sugarcane is renewed in short periods of 12 to 18 months maximum. This makes it a more profitable and usable raw material for industries.
Reasons to use bagasse
Bagasse is full of attributes that the hospitality industry should not ignore, such as:
- Resistant: Its high level of resistance makes it suitable for the elaboration of versatile use containers, capable of containing hot and cold meals.
- Lightweight: Sugarcane bagasse containers are extremely light, which facilitates the transportation of food deliveries.
- Attractive: We are talking about a material that has soft and eye-catching shades that will combine perfectly with any table centerpiece.
- Trendingsustainable: Resorting to this type of sustainable materials is a plus for any hospitality company, since many customers are only looking for committed businesses to go to eat.
- Sustainable: Bagasse is a natural material that degrades in a short time, can be used to make compost and thus leave a friendlier footprint on the planet.
Bagasse is the material of the moment to make packaging that leaves a lower impact on the ecosystem, betting on bagasse is betting on a greener planet!
Learn more about our Dictionary of Hospitality and Catering.
Frequently asked questions
What is bagasse?
Natural products such as fruits, seeds, or stalks. The fibrous leftovers resulting from this process form bagasse.
How is bagasse obtained?
A bagasse de-stoning plant is required to obtain bagasse. This is because this machine mechanically separates the fibre from the pith of the sugar cane. And when all the juice is extracted, only the bagasse remains.
What kind of packaging can we make with bagasse?
Different types of packaging can be made for the food sector, all in different shapes, colours and sizes. From plates to serve at the table to special containers for take-away food.
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