Camping takeaway: recipes for a day outdoors

Camping takeaway: recipes for a day outdoors

Camping takeaways are the icing on the cake of a fascinating activity that serves to disconnect us from the real world, but also leaves us with great experiences and anecdotes to tell.

Takeaway recipes should be simple and easy to prepare, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring or tasteless.

Take note of the ideal foods and recipes that you can take on your trip to the countryside to eat and surprise your family.

Power-packed breakfasts

Energy-packed breakfasts

Food to take on a camping trip – especially breakfast – needs to be energy-boosting and hunger-satisfying for the activities you’ll be doing.

A delicious breakfast option is granola or cereal, served with milk. Serve the granola or cereal in an airtight container and place the milk in a cooler to keep it refrigerated.

Alternatively, make a carrot or banana cake the night before for breakfast or even a snack.

Finally, typical camping sandwiches are a versatile option for any meal. Fill the buns with light ingredients for breakfast and some protein for the main meal.

What to take on a picnic

Qué llevar un día de campo para comer

When it comes to camping food, don’t limit yourself to simple things like sandwiches or crackers with a spread.

If you have a travel cooker among your camping essentials, you can cook whatever you want.

Pasta, meat, rice and fish are just some of the ideas for food to take camping. But you can also innovate with other ingredients, if you see fit.


If you’ve decided to prepare a camping takeaway with meat as the main ingredient, there are plenty of options for you.

The best alternative for cooking meats is with a barbecue, so you can cook them quickly and deliciously.

Take the pieces of meat you are going to cook in a cooler and don’t forget to equip yourself with firewood or charcoal for cooking.

Some of the recipes you can prepare are ribs, barbecue, burgers, sausages or skewers.


Pasta is one of the essential camping takeaway ideas because it’s easy to cook and doesn’t lose its flavour when reheated.

On a cooker, place a saucepan of water on the cooker until it starts to boil. Add the pasta and wait until it is al dente to remove the excess water and serve with the sides.

The first option is pasta with soy meat and tomato sauce. The soy meat is easy to prepare because it only needs to be hydrated with water and accompanied with tomato sauce.

Another recipe to try is pasta with pesto and mushrooms or sun-dried tomatoes. You can prepare the pesto and dehydrate your vegetables, or buy them ready-made at the supermarket.

Add both ingredients to the pasta and stir until there is no pasta left uncovered by the selected sauce.

Finally, pasta with cream and bacon is a star recipe for camping. This recipe should be prepared on the spot to prevent it from being spoiled by the cream.


Rice is one of the ingredients in takeaway recipes.

Recipes can be prepared at home and stored in an airtight container, or prepared on the spot with a travelling cooker.

You can make rice and prepare the side dish of your choice, as well as take some of the cooked food with you and just heat it up

One example is rice and beans. Cook the rice on the cooker until it absorbs the water, then heat the beans and serve.

Don’t limit yourself to just making rice with any side dish either, try more complex recipes such as paella or desserts such as rice pudding.


When it comes to fish, it isalso an incredible option for an outdoor barbecue.

If you don’t have planned what you’re going to take on a picnic, a few sardines or fish wheels are a good option.

You can accompany barbecued fish with salads, rice or some steamed potatoes.

Camping cooking tools

Camping cooking tools

Preparing camping takeaway ideas requires certain tools to make the job easier and to preserve the food.

A cooker, a barbecue and a cool box are the main tools needed when camping

However, if you wish, you can also bring other kitchen tools such as handy tongs, which make it easier to turn and serve food.


The gas cooker is the main kitchen tool for cooking food, using your preferred cooking techniques.

This cooker is connected to a gas cylinder, which should not be too large as it is a time-limited activity.

These cookers do not take up much space in your luggage and when you buy them, you have different models that allow you to have one or two burners when cooking.


A grill or portable barbecue allows you to cook your food, leaving it with a delicious smoky flavour.

Remember to bring not only the barbecue, but also the firewood, volcanic rocks or charcoal that you will use to cook the food.

Cool box

A cooler is a tool you need to store food that requires refrigeration to keep it cool.

Department stores carry a variety of cooler models, ranging from classic coolers that cool with ice to models that work by plugging into your car.

Get the one that best suits your budget, time and camping activities.

Responsibility with fire when cooking in the wilderness

Responsibility with fire when cooking in natural areas

Before you plan to cook in your campsite, you should know the rules about lighting a fire in the wilderness.

Choose a site where barbecues, cookers and campfires are allowed. These permits are issued to avoid accidents, such as the dreaded forest fires.

Always keep an eye on the flame of your cooking tools and have a bucket of sand or water on hand in case it gets too hot for you to control.

Camping food essentials

Indispensable things to eat on a campsite

When you go camping, you need easy-to-carry and disposable tableware, because you don’t have enough water to wash all the dishes and utensils.

At Monouso, our online shop, you will find a wide range of disposable products such as glasses, plates, cutlery, napkins and food storage containers. In addition, you have at your disposal the picnic and menu boxes, the perfect tool for transporting all these recipes.

Each of these products can be purchased in the quantities you need, so you don’t have to worry about running out of utensils after several meals.

Also, to contribute to the natural environment in which you are camping, we offer you biodegradable tableware that decomposes over the months, turning into compost.

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