Effective ways to clean the shower

Maintaining a sparkling shower now will be easier if you follow our tips for cleaning shower joints and screens.
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Effective ways to clean the shower
Focus on two important aspects: products and techniques. About the products, the quality of each one has to be considered, because the aim is to recover the cleanliness, to add shine without dulling the material. However, you can find very effective natural ingredients and products to clean the shower without spending much.
As for the techniques, we will use from the most classic to the less known ones in order to deeply clean and remove the mold from the shower so unpleasant.
Cleaning shower joints
At first the joints of the tiles look white, giving this color a clean look to the shower. However, over time a new darker shade appears due to the unhygienic accumulation of products, dirt, grease or particles. But one of the biggest headaches is the appearance of mold, because it looks bad and is very unpleasant.
Fortunately, this appearance is reversible. Choose a natural option for cleaning showerheads with little dirt or use a more “aggressive” product to remove more adhering impurities.
Natural products include a mixture of bicarbonate and warm water. Use a regular brush or an old toothbrush to spread the liquid and remove stains.
Another home option is to clean the tiles together with a little detergent. You can also rinse off the dirt from the joints with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. If you need a stronger product, go for bleach, but gradually test its effectiveness by mixing it with a little warm water.
Remove the mold from the shower
One of the best options is to prevent the appearance of undesirable mould. To do this, we will avoid excess humidity. Clearly the bathroom, and especially the shower, is prone to moisture, but you can still avoid build-up if you dry thoroughly after showering. You can remove some of the moisture from the tiles.
If the damage is done, fight the mold with some products that most people have at home such as vinegar, ammonia, baking soda, and running water.
This is an effective way to remove shower mold that can be formulated with the above ingredients to disinfect and completely eradicate mold from areas of the shower or between the joints.
Clean shower screen
Probably the first impression of a clean shower lies in the state of the screen.
With each shower it is common to accumulate a variety of wastes on top of the screen such as soaps, products, liquids, natural exfoliants, gels and even hair.
You must clean the screen after each shower with a spray. Vinegar is an excellent option to purify the glass and eliminate residues, you can mix it with water. If you want to add a little perfume, you can use a natural fragrance such as cinnamon or chamomile water in another spray, but remember to strain the mixture very well so that it does not contain solid residue or leaves.
Removing limescale from the shower
For this case, you can use a combination of two very powerful ingredients, i.e. vinegar and lemon.
Since lime is a white residue that spoils the perfect color combination of the tiles, we can use these two elements that “cut” the calcium and lower its intensity. To do this, make a mixture with vinegar and lemon in a container, then you can rub the mixture with a brush, sponge or clean scourer.
Let the substance act on the lime in the shower for about 20-30 minutes and then remove it with normal water. You will notice the difference after applying this trick, which also gives a little shine.
Keep in mind that the bathroom is one of the key areas of the house, especially if we want everything to be clean because it is where most dirt accumulates.
Dare to try these tips not only to clean on the spot, but to take care of your bathroom for longer and renew this shower space with very little money.
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