Choose a container where the oil does not leach out

Envases donde el aceite no se filtra

You can choose a container where the oil does not leak easily, thanks to the recommendations we show you in this post we show you in this post. In this way, you will no longer have to worry about your customers customers will end up getting oil on their plates.

After reading this article, you will easily understand what an container where the oil does not leach out is. Just as it is essential to enjoy a tasty dinner, it is also important not to worry about your customers worry that your customers will take home a snack that could stain their environment or the environment or the customer.

This can be achieved through the oleophobic and impermeable packaging. This type of packaging has the particularity of rejecting the oil without allowing it to reach the surface, thus keeping the surface, keeping the grease away from the customer’s hands. Read on and choose the right packaging without any problems.


To choose the right packaging you first need to understand what the term oleophobic means, although it is a term that is mostly used in the technology and telephony area; basically because it is a property that differentiates telephony; basically because it is a property that differentiates the screens of the latest the latest generation of mobile devices.

When applied in reverse, it consists of chemically applying a synthesised patina that causes rejection of the grease that grease that comes off your fingers when using the device, leaving the surface free of fingerprints the surface free of fingerprints.

In this regard, there are materials that are insulating against oil and liquid due to their reduced porosity, e.g. aluminium or plastic porosity, e.g. airtight aluminium or plastic containers.

When not cut, these containers containers keep oil constantly away from the outside and are the best choice for storing sauces, salads, creams, soups and represent the best choice for storing sauces, salads, creams and soups.

Normally the impermeability of related to the seasonality of the service, due to the porous surface porous surface. For example, pulp, wood and cardboard structures resist between 15 and 20 minutes to oil, but this depends on the chemical treatment received 15 to 20 minutes to oil, but this depends on the chemical treatment received.

Regarding cardboard and paper, this kind of process is essential due to the permeable and rather porous fibreof this material porous fibre of this material.

Paraffin wax is one of the ways to make the paper prevent the oil from penetrating, paraffin is usually found in croissant and sandwich bags, which usually found in croissant and sandwich bags, which include a plastic patina inside inside a plastic patina.

The oil slips out of the the sandwich, but it stays on the inside, so the customer does not end up smearing end up smearing their hand through the paper.

Regardless of the packaging chosen, you must remember this feature when you offer your customers the product, as it is one of the main product, as it is one of the main requirements. Whether you choose a carton, aluminium or natural wood packaging; you should always bear in mindthe product you are the product you are offering to the consumer.

PLA, PP, PET, OPS and PS food packaging

When we talk about disposable packaging for food, the first thing that comes to mind is the following: the packaging must maintain the should maintain the properties of the food, minimise the impact on the environment and withstand the environment, and that it is resistant to pollutants.

In addition, the packaging must be ergonomic, practical, transparent and lightweight. One type of packaging that has most of these characteristics is plastic packaging, which is why it is one of the most popular types of packaging one of the most popular types of packaging.

Plastic packaging keeps perishable foods perishable foods for longer, reducing the use of preservatives and waste, as well as waste, as well as preserving the nutritional value and taste of food food.

They are innovative and more convenient, lightweight, easy to print, manufactured in different shapes and have the appropriate mechanical strength. As the years go by, these plastic containers are evolving to adapt to people’s requirements.

Plastic packaging is hygienic and safe, as they help protect both medicines and food from contamination against contamination. They prevent the spread of germs during distribution, manufacture and trade distribution, manufacture and trade.

Thanks to the hermetic seals and protection, the plastic allows the items inside to be seen without the need to the elements inside without the need to cut them, touch them or cause any damage any damage.

There is no denying that plastic plastic containers claim several advantages and are quite convenient, but they also have one have an aspect against.

It is a rather polluting material polluting material, although it is now possible to find some designs that are recyclable recyclable. A solution to this aspect is currently being sought, and we suggest a more planet-friendly we suggest a friendlier option for the planet, we are talking about packaging made from PLA.

During the manufacturing process there are different ranges of plastic resins where polystyrene, polyethylene, lactic polyacid and polypropylene are the most used, polyacrylic acid and polypropylene are the most commonly used

The most important characteristics of this variety of plastics

Let’s take a look at the main characteristics of some of the varieties of plastics.


It has a high degree of stability, as well as being a linear thermoplastic polymer. It is very resistant to wear and tear and also to corrosion. PET has good thermal and chemical and chemical resistance, it is waterproof and lightweight.


This material is generally used in food packaging, due to its high insulating and thermal protection properties, ease of insulation and thermal protection, ease of forming and light weight. It is also a guarantee of hygiene, it is a guarantee of hygiene.


also used in food packaging packaging, it is characterised as a somewhat crystalline thermoplastic polymer. It is a cost-effective plastic. It is highly tear-resistant, heat-resistant and transparent.


It is obtained from sugar cane, corn starch or cassava sugar cane, corn starch or cassava. It is characterised by being a thermoplastic 100% ecological and biodegradable.


It is one of the most recent materials is one of the most recent materials on the market and comes from polystyrene, but with the difference of having a thinner having a thinner profile, which makes it a cleaner, more transparent and more fragile product transparent and more fragile. It is perfect if you want to highlight the product.

There is no denying all the advantages advantages that plastic packaging offers in the gastronomic area, for this reason, it is possible to find a wide variety of packaging made of plastic, in different sizes different sizes, models, colours, but with an excellent quality/price ratio excellent value for money.

We also recommend the use of PLA packaging as it is less polluting and a more environmentally friendly option.

After having listed the different types of packaging, we let you make the choice that seems most suitable for you. At Monouso we have a large selection of airtight and waterproof containers that prevent the oil from leaking

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