Corrugated cardboard packaging

ventajas de uso de carton corrugado

Nowadays, companies and businesses have undergone adjustments in the way they work and distribute products. Corrugated cardboard packaging is the best option for the transportation of these products, guaranteeing resistance, quality and low costs.

What is corrugated cardboard?

Corrugated card board is a combination of sheets of paper glued to a sheet of corrugated cardboard, assembled to provide a better structure. This structure provides rigidity to the board, as well as high resistance to wear and protection against different temperatures.

Which packaging uses corrugated cardboard?

Because of its flexibility and high performance to protect products, it is widely used in packaging for delivery and take away service. Below we show you the different types of corrugated cardboard packaging you can find.

Advantages of corrugated cardboard


It is a light material but with great capacity to support weight, so its manufacture, transportation and assembly is quite easy.


Thanks to the number of layers in its structure, it has high resistance to support up to 800kg regardless of the size of the product.


Due to its composition and characteristics, it offers guaranteed protection against accidents, blows, weather and humidity.


Compared to other alternatives in the market, it is an excellent option to generate savings and maintain the quality of the product.

Renewable resource

The way it is manufactured and the content of its materials make this material a renewable and sustainable natural resource for the environment.


It is a flexible material, so it can be cut in different shapes and sizes, adapting to any type of product.

As you can see, corrugated cardboard is a material that not only protects products, but also helps to protect our environment.

Discover many more concepts in our Catering and Hospitality Dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is corrugated board?

It is a combined structure of several sheets of paper, with sheets of cardboard placed as covers. Because of its strong structure and other properties, it is one of the most widely used packaging solutions for the transport of foodstuffs.

How many types of corrugated board are there?

It varies according to the number of corrugated paper sheets and plates it has. Among its different types, there is single-flute with a single decker, double-flute, double-channel and triple-channel.

What is corrugated board and what is it used for?

Characterised by its high resistance and flexibility, it is used to wrap objects of different shapes and sizes. It protects the product from knocks, scratches and all kinds of aggressions, as well as serving to compartmentalise spaces inside it.

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