qué es el CPET

What is CPET?

When we talk about CPET, we talk about crystallized polyethylene terephthalate. This type of material is usually reserved for containing ready meals. On a technical level, we can say that this material is based on the esterification reaction between ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. As a result, partial crystallization occurs, which gives it its opaque appearance.

Thanks to this crystallization, CPET can maintain its shape at very high temperatures. Therefore, it is possible to use it to contain foods that are going to be cooked in the oven, either traditional or microwave.

The temperature range to which this material can be subjected is very wide. It ranges from -40 degrees Celsius to 220 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is very resistant to low temperatures and really stable at high temperatures.

We must also take into account that it is a very effective barrier against some elements:

  • Oxygen
  • Water
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Nitrogen

Advantages of CPET

  • Suitable as packaging for pre-cooked food.
  • It is possible to freeze it and also to heat it, both in microwave and oven.
  • It admits pasteurization processes.
  • The product can be preserved for a long time without deterioration.
  • 100% recyclable material.

Find out more about the materials we use in our Catering and Hospitality Dictionary.

Frequently asked questions

What is the temperature range of the CPET?

It can withstand temperatures from -40ºC to 220ºC.

What are the advantages of CPET?

It is suitable as packaging for pre-cooked food, it can be frozen and heated, it is 100% recyclable, it can be kept for a long time without deteriorating and it can be pasteurised.

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