Definitive guide: how to make ecological packaging

Ecological packaging is a type of packaging that many companies have been using for some years.

The use of ecological packaging has been accepted and supported by many people around the world because of its many production benefits.

In addition, its rapid integration into the packaging market has allowed the creation of suitable packaging to carry any product comfortably.

He knows the characteristics that all ecological packaging must have, the materials used for its manufacture and the advantages that its use provides.

What is eco-friendly packaging?

¿Qué son los envases ecológicos?

Ecological packaging is packaging or containers that are responsible for storing and offering protection to each of the products inside.

This ecological packaging includes the different types of packaging that are manufactured under the principle of sustainability.

This is why eco-friendly packaging is created from raw materials that have the ability to be recycled, using manufacturing methods that do not generate large amounts of greenhouse gases.

Also, ecological packaging must have the necessary strength to be used on more than one occasion or to give it a different use.

Basic characteristics of sustainable packaging

Características básicas del packaging sostenible

Ecological packaging differs from traditional packaging in its well-known basic characteristics.

The first of these is that the elaboration of this type of packaging is aimed at reducing environmental pollution

For this reason, methods are used that do not consume many natural resources and the use of chemicals is avoided in order to obtain the final raw material with which the packaging is moulded.

Another feature is that, although they have been created for a specific purpose, they can be used to create new objects through recycling or reuse.

They are also a safe means of transporting any food product, since ecological packaging does not transfer odours or flavours.

Advantages of using ecological packaging

Ventajas de utilizar envases ecológicos

Ecological packaging has many advantages that represent improvements in the environment, the economy and even the habits of the people who use it.

Know some advantages or benefits that the ecological packages will provide to the development of your company and to the improvement of the relation with the consumers.

Improve the perception of your brand

With the use of ecological packaging your brand demonstrates its commitment to caring for the environment, in order to reduce global warming.

Thanks to this, the brand will develop a sustainable identity and will make its way in the market.

It also strengthens relations with consumers and investors who consider the ecological measures you have implemented in your business to be favourable.

Controlled risk

By implementing the use of ecological packaging in your business, you avoid spending a lot of money on the purchase of traditional packaging.

Traditional packaging is made from virgin raw material, whose transformation and elaboration process has a high energy consumption. This consumption is reflected in the final price of the packaging.

Efficient use of your resources

As an advantage associated with the previous point, the efficient consumption and recycling of raw materials allows the production of ecological packaging accessible to any brand.

In addition to the fact that ecological packaging does not have high prices because of the recycled raw material and the low use of energy required during its transformation, its use is more versatile than that of traditional packaging.

Innovating packaging

The ecological packaging industry is constantly renewing itself with the manufacture of new models of packaging to store products of different sizes, weights and shapes.

They also create and test materials that comply with ecological characteristics.

Enrich your value proposition

By using eco-friendly packaging to store your branded products you promote sustainability and create greater appeal at the time of purchase.

In addition, it provides customers with the assurance that with their purchase they are taking an active part in reducing environmental pollution.

Materials used in the manufacture of sustainable packaging

Materiales que se emplean en la fabricación de envases sostenibles

There is a wide variety of materials used to make eco-friendly packaging which, although they have different characteristics or share few similarities, have the same objective: to store products while taking care of the environment.

Take note of each of the materials that are used for the manufacture of ecological packaging and choose the ideal ones for the packaging of your business:

Polylactic Acid (PLA)

Polylactic acid, better known by the acronym PLA, is a material that is often used to make bottles, trays and bags.

This raw material has similar characteristics to PS and PET plastics, but with the big difference that lactic acid is obtained through oil refining.

As it is a material that is not produced from oil, but from raw materials such as corn starch, its products have the capacity to be used as compost.

Thermoplastic Starches (TPS)

Thermoplastic starches are a material that is produced by modifying the structure of the starch granules, using mechanical and thermal force

The properties of thermoplastic starches vary according to the amount of modifications made to their structure.

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAS)

Polyhydroxyalkanoates are a type of polyester that is produced by the production of bacteria when a process of lipid or sugar fermentation is generated.

This material is biodegradable and is thermoplastic when subjected to temperatures between 40°C and 180°C.

With polyhydroxyalkanoates, biopolymers can be generated that can be used to create environmentally friendly products

Another important aspect is that its properties can vary according to time, the amount of bacteria produced during fermentation and its attachment to other materials such as enzymes or polymers.

Biodegradable raw material

The biodegradable raw material from which ecological packaging is made is composed of those recycled materials that have the ability to degrade.

Those materials that can be degraded must do so without the passage of time and without their process being affected by climatic conditions.

Otherwise, the polluting effects of using these materials would be the same as using plastic for packaging.


This is one of the most famous and used materials when it comes to manufacturing ecological packaging.

The cardboard that is collected from the different blue recycling containers is taken to the factories to start a recycling process and give life to new packaging.

It is a material that stands out for its resistance, its hardness, the protection it provides to stored objects and its capacity to support a lot of weight.

They are also favorites because they can be reused at home, can be thrown in the recycling bin, decompose in a short time when they are in the landfill or can be used as compost.

Compostable paper

The process of using paper as a raw material is no different from the process of transforming cardboard.

The paper that has been recycled in the recycling container is subjected to a procedure to extract its pulp and produce new products.

The recycled paper pulp is used to make the ecological bags that are used to load the products, envelopes to introduce important documents or it can be mixed with the cardboard pulp to make packages.

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