Dishes that can’t be missed in your restaurant at Easter

Easter is just around the corner and that means that all the traditions linked to this great festival take place on these dates. Take advantage of this celebration to give an added value to your restaurant and offer a special menu with dishes that cannot be missed in your restaurant at Easter.

With this simple idea you will be able to offer a gastronomic menu to your clients and you will also be standing out among your competition with the possibility of your clients trying the best typical Easter dishes.

From Monouso we want to help you in this mission, so here we leave you with some culinary proposals that cannot be missing in your restaurant during Easter. These are very easy to prepare dishes that will give a plus to your restaurant. Take advantage of Easter and give a plus to your restaurant business!

Culinary proposals for your restaurant at Easter

Wake-up pottage

Potaje de vigilia (waking soup) is a very typical dish during Holy Week, especially on Friday in Lent, due to the religious prohibition against eating meat on those days. This traditional Lenten recipe mainly contains chickpeas accompanied by spinach and cod, previously desalted.

It is a very typical dish of the Andalusian cuisine, so if your restaurant is in the south, this recipe is a safe bet in your menu.

Cod fritters

As you know, cod is the main and most typical ingredient of Easter, so you will find it in a lot of traditional recipes. We also wanted to highlight the cod fritters as they are a crunchy and tasty temptation for everyone.


And if we’re talking about desserts and sweets, what about the French toast? Besides, their preparation is very simple and the result is delicious. If you want to be on the safe side, offer on your menu the possibility of trying torrijas during Easter.

It is the most traditional and original Easter dessert that, with a perfect mixture of ingredients, manages to delight the most exquisite palates.

Fried milk

The same is true of fried milk, the result of a mixture of practically perfect ingredients: milk, grated lemon peel, cinnamon, vanilla, etc. The good thing is that after frying it we can dress it with the ingredients we want. Exquisite!

Take advantage of Easter to make a small change in the menu of your restaurant and adapt it to the culinary traditions of Easter. Traditionally, it has always been a time to go out for lunch and dinner away from home, so it can be a great opportunity to increase the number of customers.

We are committed to an elegant presentation of all your dishes, so don’t forget to take care of all the details. Our pastry containers y ice-cream containers will help you get a presentation 10. The good weather has already arrived in many areas, so don’t be surprised if customers order frozen desserts!

From Monouso, online shop of food packaging and catering dishes, we recommend you to take as a base these traditional culinary proposals and try to innovate also with new dishes that surprise your customers with different flavors.

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