Effective techniques to disinfect plastic material in your business

Técnicas eficaces para desinfectar material plástico en tu negocio

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, many recommendations have been made to disinfect plastic material in bars, restaurants, take away and even in our homes; however, techniques to disinfect plastic have always been present to maintain hygiene, cleanliness and health.

To learn how to sanitize this type of material, read on and learn some effective techniques for disinfecting plastic in your business.

Remember that to avoid the spread of diseases, especially when caused by viruses that spread freely, it is necessary to carry out a proper disinfection of plastic material and surfaces exposed to contamination.

How to disinfect a plastic container?

¿Cómo desinfectar un envase de plástico?

There are several processes that can be implemented to disinfect plastic material for reuse, ensuring its hygiene, among them we have

Chemical disinfection

To carry out the chemical disinfection it is necessary to use a disinfectant solution or detergent.

The appropriate proportion of water and detergent should be calculated to disinfect plastic material.

The plastic containers should then be submerged under water with the disinfectant solution and left to stand for a few minutes, then removed and left to dry in the air.

Steam disinfection

Steam disinfection is a simple process. To disinfect plastic you must use a pot with a lid to place the containers you wish to disinfect inside.

Then you should fill the pot with water to a considerable height, not exceeding half the capacity, this way you will avoid spilling the water when you cover the pot and place it on the fire.

You must wait for the water to boil and keep the container inside the pot for 5 minutes so that the containers receive the necessary steam for disinfection.

At the end of this time, take the containers out of the water, dry them with a clean kitchen cloth and they will be ready to be used in your business.

Home disinfection

The process of home disinfection is similar to that of steam disinfection, although they differ in that to sterilize plastic it is necessary to completely submerge the containers to be disinfected in water.

To avoid accidents, you should refrain from inserting the plastic containers when the water is boiling, as it can cause hot water splashes due to the change in temperature.

How to disinfect plastic objects in a natural way?

¿Cómo desinfectar objetos de plástico de forma natural?

To ensure the disinfection of plastic objects in an environmentally friendly way, we will share three easily accessible products that will help you disinfect plastic without causing damage to the environment.

To obtain this natural disinfectant, you must mix several spoonfuls of baking soda with vinegar and warm water.

You can also test and disinfect plastic material using a solution of vinegar and water.

To disinfect plastic in a natural way you must leave the object to soak in the solution made with bicarbonate, vinegar and water for a few hours.

If you want to disinfect plastic material from an appliance, you can apply the natural solution using a brush or microfiber cloth, rubbing gently to disinfect plastic. After that you should rinse with water, dry with a clean and dry cloth to put it into operation.

Tips for disinfecting plastic containers in your business

Tips para desinfectar envases plásticos en tu negocio

Generally, plastic containers are used to preserve and store food in your business.

To maintain the hygiene of plastic containers, it is necessary to put into practice some tips that will allow you to learn how to disinfect plastic objects. Among them we can mention:

  • Before using a new container in your business, it is necessary to wash and disinfect the plastic using hot water and dishwashing detergent.
  • Avoid storing hot food or drinks, this way you will prevent the food’s aroma from being transferred to the plastic container.
  • To eliminate stains, unpleasant smells present in the containers and to disinfect plastic material, you only have to put hot water and a few drops of chlorine, leaving the container in this solution for 8 to 12 hours. Keep the container covered, leaving an opening so that air can circulate.
  • Another widely used option to avoid staining plastic containers is to spray sunflower oil inside them before serving food.

Recommendations for safe use of disinfectants

Recomendaciones para el uso seguro de desinfectantes

Some of the recommendations we should keep in mind for safe use of disinfectants are

  • Use skin and eye protection to avoid accidents in case of splashes.
  • Do not eat or breathe these products as they can cause serious health problems.
  • Having a ventilated space when disinfecting plastic.
  • Using the amount of disinfectant
  • Dilute the disinfectant with water at room temperature.
  • Do not mix the disinfectant with other chemicals.
  • Keep disinfectants out of reach of children and pets.

Precautions when disinfecting plastic material

Precauciones al desinfectar material plástico

To close, we give you some precautions to follow when disinfecting plastic:

  • Avoid using hot water to disinfect plastic material, unless the plastic resists that type of treatment, as this action could cause damage to plastic containers.
  • Use products that are not corrosive or can damage the objects when disinfecting plastic.
  • When using containers for long periods, be sure to clean them by filling the containers with water and baking soda.

We hope that with these tips, the process of disinfecting plastic in your restaurant or at home, will be an easy and quick task to do.

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