Everything you should know about the Roscón de Reyes

Roscón de Reyes is one of the dishes that we traditionally enjoy during the celebration of Three Kings Day, a custom rooted in many families that is celebrated every 6th of January.
Without a doubt, the arrival of the King and Queen is one of the most eagerly awaited days, not only for the illusion of receiving gifts but also for the pleasure of enjoying a piece of this succulent dessert.
It is a sweet dough bun with nuts and glazed topping, which can be accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate. The favourite snack of many.
The recipe for the Roscón is simple but laborious.
You can do it with the help of your family or friends and thus enjoy a different, warm moment together, full of much love and Spanish tradition.
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Types of Roscón de Reyes

As we have said, Roscón de Reyes is the star of these festivities, this rich sweet can be found in different presentations and flavours.
Among so much variety, it is not easy to decide which is the preferred recipe, so the best option is to dare to try different flavours and thus get to know the best of each variant.
Among the different types of Roscón de Reyes we have: the traditional one with nuts and icing, the chocolate Roscón and the puff pastry Roscón.
Another element present in the Roscón de Reyes is the filling, whose diversity will allow you to choose between the different typical flavours of cream, custard or truffles.
Roscón de Reyes, quick and easy
What do you need to prepare a Roscón de Reyes?
Know an easy recipe with which you can make a fluffy Roscón de Reyes without having to take a cooking course until you become a master pastry chef.
The elaboration of a Roscón has no major complication, you just have to follow the instructions of the recipe and pay attention to the rest of the dough.
The basic ingredients of the traditional Roscón de Reyes are easy to obtain.
All you need is an apron and to have on hand: wheat flour, yeast, margarine, eggs, milk, sugar and a pinch of salt.
Below, we will mention the most common versions of the Roscón de Reyes.
A diversity of options that, without haste, please all diners during the celebration of Three Kings Day and its eve.
Traditional Roscón de Reyes

The traditional Roscón de Reyes is the favourite of most people, a sweet bun with nuts and candied fruit without filling.
The secret in the traditional preparation has to do with the elaboration of the dough and its raising time.
The decoration of the Roscón de Reyes is colourful and eye-catching. It is decorated with sugar, fruit icing, nuts and slices of almonds.
Another detail present in the preparation of the Roscón de Reyes is the custom of adding a figure and a bean to the dough.
The diner who meets the figure is crowned as the king of the celebration.
However, whoever gets the bean will not have the same luck, as tradition says that they will have to pay for the next family roscón.
Chocolate cake

The recipe for the chocolate Roscón del Reyes is similar to the traditional one.
The particularity of this version is the presence of chocolate among the main ingredients of the dough.
The chocolate mass will surprise diners with its aroma and sweet taste.
This type of Roscón de Reyes can be served alone or filled with cream, custard, truffles or more chocolate.
The chocolate Roscón de Reyes is the children’s favourite so it is always present as one of the main guests at the celebration.
During the Three Kings Day celebration it is accompanied by a glass of milk, a combination that will be an explosion of flavour in your mouth.
Puff pastry for monarchs
If you want to discover how to make Roscón de Reyes the easy way, here is an option to do it at home.
It’s very simple, you just have to go to the supermarket and buy the puff pastry, this option that has been very popular nowadays because of its simplicity.
Just add the ingredients of your choice to the dough and place it directly in the oven, following the instructions of the dough manufacturer.
It can be consumed hot or cold. Believe us: the option of eating it freshly baked, still hot, and accompanying it with chocolate is the best in the world.
Try it and tell us about it.
Roscón de Reyes filled with cream

It is one of the classic roscones served on these dates, the preparation of the Roscón dough will always be the same.
However – on this occasion – the cream filling takes the leading role in this preparation.
You can buy a traditional Roscón, open it in half and fill it with a homemade cream.
Whipping the cream is very simple. One trick is to place a container, where we will beat the mixture, inside the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.
Then, the whipping cream mixture is beaten with some sticks. You can add and touch of sugar to give more body to the cream.
Once the mixture is ready, we fill the Roscón de Reyes and generous pieces to enjoy with a cup of coffee or hot chocolate.
Pastry cream filling

And if it’s a matter of putting a little sweetness into these celebrations, the recipe, Roscón de Reyes filled with pastry cream, should not be missed.
The preparation of the pastry cream is very simple, you only need: eggs, milk, cinnamon and grated lemon rind.
On a low heat, put all the ingredients in a saucepan.
Stir constantly until the desired consistency is obtained, similar to the pastry cream you like.
Wait for it to cool down and proceed to fill the Roscón de Reyes.
This is a delicious and practical option that will be enjoyed by all your guests during the 6th of January festivities.
Truffle cake

The Roscón de Reyes filled with truffles is another of the options available for tasting on these dates.
The recipe has among its main ingredients: cocoa, cream and rum.
This presentation of the Roscón de Reyes is the favourite of adults, due to the distinction that rum brings to this appetizing delicacy worthy of Kings.
The burst of flavours from the truffle filling will captivate the palate of diners, who will not regret enjoying this delicious aperitif.
Three Kings’ Roscón filled with chocolate

A spongy Roscón de Reyes is the most sought-after dessert at this time of year and if its filling is chocolate, it will delight more than one person at the meeting.
The ingredients of the recipe for the Roscón de Reyes filled with chocolate in essence are: dark chocolate to taste and cream.
The amount of chocolate will depend on how much we like this cocoa-based product.
To make the filling, we cut up the chocolate and put it on a low heat, in a small saucepan next to the cream.
While stirring, we wait for all the chocolate to melt and blend with the cream.
When the mixture cools down, cut the Roscón in half and cover the entire base with the filling.
We place the lid of the Roscón and it is ready to be served.
When eating it, it is recommended to accompany it with a glass of very cold milk.
Roscón de Reyes Where does the tradition begin?

The tradition of the Roscón de Reyes was born from the celebration of the Roman people to the God Saturn.
During these festivities, round doughnuts were made whose ingredients were nuts, dates and honey.
These threads were shared between commoners and slaves during the longest days of the winter solstice.
The King of France, Louis XI, was delighted by the taste of this sweet, which had an excellent reception in the House of Bourbons.
In Spain, the shape of the thread imitates the royal crown and its cover of glazed nuts represents the crown jewels.
Where will you serve the Roscón de Reyes this January 6th?

You already know everything about the Roscón de Reyes, you could even venture to bake your favourite version.
Regardless of where the Roscón de Reyes comes from, i.e. whether you buy it or make it at home, you should have a special space to serve it.
Still don’t have the ideal tray? No reason to worry.
Visit our online shop, Monouso.es, and discover all the options in plastic trays or biodegradable trays that we have to decorate your Kings day table.
We also offer a variety of products that will add a magical touch to this celebration, such as paper tablecloths or Airlaid Premium Napkins, a paper product with an incredible similarity to cloth napkins.
Go to Monouso and discover all the details that you can incorporate into your celebration to make it warmer and more unforgettable.
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