Find out how to disinfect a scouring pad

Descubre cómo desinfectar un estropajo

According to a report by the Consumer and User Organization, scouring pads are one of the main sources of bacteria in the home. They have the capacity to store up to 96% of bacteria, so it is necessary to disinfect the scouring pads to continue using them inside the kitchen.

Within the recommendations expressed by the members of this organism, it is indicated that it is ideal to wash the mops with chlorine or bleach every week to eliminate the bacteria.

They also urge to change the household scouring pads every three months so as not to wait for them to completely deteriorate and allow bacteria to reproduce.

In addition to lye, there are several home methods for cleaning and disinfecting a loofah.

Methods for disinfecting a scouring pad

Métodos para desinfectar un estropajo

Bacteria, mould and germs have the ability to reproduce in any space, especially if it is a damp one like a scrubber.

These microorganisms put people’s health at risk, so it is very important to disinfect the scourers and avoid transferring them to objects such as crockery or cutlery that are used every day.

So we’ll leave you with six ingredients that you can use to disinfect the loofah and how you should use them to choose the one with the best results.


Bleach is a very important product for cleaning and disinfecting any space or some objects, following the necessary precautions such as the use of gloves to prevent burns.

To disinfect a loofah with bleach, you must first clean it until the excess soap and foam it contains are removed.

Use an unused container in which to pour hot water and two lye lids.

Place the scourer inside the container and leave it to soak for 15 minutes. At the end of the time, remove it from the container and wash it with plenty of water to eliminate traces of lye.


Lemon is a star ingredient in the kitchen to prepare any recipe, remove grease stains, disinfect and keep your kitchen smelling good.

Prepare a mixture containing lemon juice, water and two tablespoons of salt. Immerse the scourers, let them soak for 20 minutes and remove the mixture with plenty of water.

This is the ideal method for scouring pads that are made of metal or wire, have metal components or are of natural origin. This is because the lemon removes impurities, rust and grease that are trapped between the wires of the metal scourer.

In addition to cleaning and prolonging its life, it leaves the scourers with a delicious lemon scent.

Microwave Oven

It has been scientifically proven that microorganisms such as germs and bacteria die when they are in an environment with high temperatures.

To disinfect your scouring pad, place it in a container of water and heat it for five minutes to remove any impurities.

Remove the container with gloves to avoid burns with hot water, empty the water so that the water contained in the sponge is tempered and you can wash it.

When you heat the loofah in the microwave oven, a process begins in which the loofah is sterilized by the heat.

With this method, germs, mold and bacteria are eliminated from the scouring pads; however, this procedure cannot be applied to scouring pads that contain plastic or metal within their components.


Vinegar is a product that surprises everyone because of the multiple uses it has within cleaning.

It can disinfect, eliminate bad smells, keep away flies, give shine to your floors or tables and almost any cleaning activity you want to do at home.

Serve in a bowl half a glass of water, three tablespoons of salt, half a glass of vinegar, the loofah and heat in the microwave until it begins to boil.

Carefully remove the container from the microwave oven and leave the scouring pad to soak overnight.

Finally, take the scouring pad out of the container and rinse it with plenty of water to remove the remains of the mixture.


To disinfect a scrubber with the dishwasher, just put it in the top basket and start the wash with an option to wash with very hot water.

At the end of the washing cycle, use a tool to remove the loofah that has absorbed the hot water and prevent it from causing burns.


Bicarbonate is another item that is in great demand in the market because of the benefits it produces in home cleaning.

To clean a loofah with this ingredient, you must pour a mixture of bicarbonate and hot water into a container.

Put the scouring pad in the substance, let it soak until it cools down and remove the liquid with plenty of water

Tips to take care of your scourer and extend its life

Now that you know all these materials to disinfect a scrubber, try them all so that you can choose which one works best in disinfection and is more economical.

In case you do not have a scrubbing routine, the first thing you must take into account is that, as it is one of the main sources of bacteria in your home, it must be kept away from the areas where you place or prepare any food.

Germs and bacteria love objects that have moisture because it is an ideal medium for their reproduction and proliferation

So it’s ideal to keep your scourers dry when you’re done cleaning or washing dishes, rather than storing them in closed, unventilated spaces.

Every time you use your mop, it is important to wash it with soap and water to remove food debris, which generates bacteria and attracts unwanted insects such as cockroaches.

Although these tips will extend the life of your sponge, you will need to change your scouring pad at some point. Try to replace your scouring pads every three months, before they deteriorate and become more susceptible to germs and bacteria

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