What you need to know about the fixed-term contract for the hotel and catering industry

The fixed-term hospitality contract is one of the documents used to employ staff members in restaurants and bars. This type of contract is characterized by the performance of indefinite and intermittent work. Therefore, it is an excellent alternative for those businesses in which seasonality plays an important role
In addition to showing you all the characteristics of the fixed-term contract for the hotel and catering industry, we explain other types of contracts that are worth analyzing so that you can apply them in your business, complying with the law and guaranteeing benefits for those involved.
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what does a fixed-term contract in the hotel and catering industry refer to?

The fixed term contract is a type of employment contract that can be used for employees of restaurants and bars and is characterized by not having an established time limit . What differentiates it from a permanent contract is that, in this case, the position covered in the business is performed intermittently.
It is usually used in businesses that work on a seasonal basis. That is, those in which their doors are not open to the public all year round or that due to seasonality need reinforcements at certain times.
For example, if your yacht club only opens its doors in summer, one option to formalize the relationship with your waiters is through this type of contract since you will only need them during the summer months or on certain occasions during the winter (events).
It is established as a part-time or full-time hospitality contract. The personnel included in the fixed term contract for the hotel and catering industry receive their salary and enjoy social security contributions as long as the restaurant is active.
When they are inactive, they are given a severance payment for their service and their contract is kept in pause until the establishment reactivates its operations and makes the calls again.
If you start with the activity in your business, but you do not call your staff, they will understand that they have been dismissed.
In this case, your employees have the right to issue a conciliation slip for 20 working days to resolve the problem before going to court.
Other types of contracts for the hotel and catering industry
In addition to the fixed-term contract for the hotel and catering industry, there are three other types of contracts in force that are used in any business.
With the labor reform that is being implemented in the country, the types of contracts that the Public Employment Service (SEPE) will begin to accept are temporary, training and indefinite contracts.
Once these contracts are signed, it is necessary to formalize the process by communicating it to the SEPE within 10 working days.
Temporary contracts
In the first place are the temporary contracts. These are agreements that agree the performance of the service in a business for a limited time. They are always formalized in writing
They must indicate the time during which the service is to be rendered and whether the work will be performed on a part-time or full-time basis. This is indicated by specifying the working hours per day, week, month or year; as well as their distribution within the restaurant’s working day.
On the other hand, it is necessary to point out that people with a temporary contract cannot work overtime in the business.
Also, if the contract has a duration of less than one month, it is possible for both parties to agree verbally
Permanent contracts
Indefinite-term contracts are those that agree the employment relationship between the company and the person interested in the vacancy for an undefined period of time.
When these contracts are signed, the conditions of the job must be stated, specifying whether it is to cover a half or full shift.
It is one of the types of contract that gives greater security to both parties . In addition, employees tend to have higher productivity under this type of agreement, since it promotes labor stability.
Training and apprenticeship contract
The training contract for hospitality is a tool that companies have to favor the learning of young people, so that they guarantee their early inclusion in the labor world.
These are contracts for young people between 16 and 25 years of age who do not have studies or a professional qualification.
One of the conditions of the training contract is that the young people must be enrolled in a training center at the same time as they work.
This type of contract has a minimum duration of one year and a maximum duration of three years. Changes are possible if they are made within a period of not less than six months and not more than three years.
Before signing the contract, the Public Employment Service must authorize the training activity in your business and then proceed to validate the hiring
Guarantee your staff a good working environment
Once you have hired your staff, you must ensure that their working environment has the best conditions.
how can you do this? By offering them the necessary tools to develop their functions within the restaurant.
We hope that you have been clearer about the conditions of a fixed-term contract in the hotel and catering industry, as well as the rest of the contracts available for working in bars and restaurants
What does a fixed-term contract in the hotel and catering industry refer to?
The fixed-term contract in the hotel and catering industry is a type of employment contract that can be used for employees in restaurants and bars and is characterised by the fact that it does not have a fixed time limit. What differentiates it from a permanent contract is that, in this case, the position filled in the business is carried out intermittently.
Other types of contracts for the hotel and catering industry
– Temporary contracts
– Permanent contracts
– Training and apprenticeship contracts
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