Food trucks

Adapted to the needs of customers, gastronomy has introduced new ways to meet their demands. Food trucks have a focused perspective on food on wheels, with the ability to be in the right place at the right time to make a splash.

What are food trucks?

Food trucks are vehicles specially modified to sell food on the street. In Spain they are known as gastroneta, restaurant truck or food trailer.

What does a food truck business consist of?

The food truck business system is based on the ability to sell food anywhere. Thus, it guarantees the maximum approach to customers, offering a wide variety of recipes. Although they are characterized by offering fast food, it has gradually become fashionable to offer gourmet food in these food trucks.

what kind of consumables does a food truck need?

There are a large number of food trucks and different gastronomies, which can be enjoyed on site or ordered to take away. For this reason, they need a wide variety of consumables to operate…

Take-away containers

Take-away containers are used to transport food safely, preserving its temperature and perfect condition. They are made with different types of materials, as well as shapes and sizes adapted to the type of food.

Greaseproof paper cones

A very practical way to serve fried food, since it does not transfer the grease, preventing us from staining. They have a wide variety of designs to choose from, providing greater style to meals.

Plastic cutlery

Necessary for all types of food restaurants, since they can be discarded and, with the dispensers, customers can choose the plastic cutlery they need.

Food holders

Among their great variety are steel baskets for simple presentations, as well as one or two tubs ideal for sauces. Another option are holders in the form of mini milk churns, mini ice cube trays or mini deep fryers.

Grease-proof wrappers

They are ideal for fast food menus such as hamburgers, as they are suitable for wrapping any type of greasy food.

With these accessories your food will have a perfect presentation, bringing originality to your brand.

Discover much more in our Catering and Hospitality Dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a food truck?

Food trucks are vans and trailers modified to sell processed food, either fast or gourmet. This business is focused on food on wheels, offering its services at the right place and at the right time, to be closer to its customers.

What are the advantages of having a food truck?

Food trucks are an excellent business because of their low investment, payroll and operating costs compared to a restaurant. In addition, they can be installed in different areas of a city, so if you do not have sales success, you can look for better locations.

What permits does a food truck need?

1. Food handling licence.
2. Sanitary permit from the Autonomous Community.
3. Approval as a mobile shop.
4. Vehicle permits.
5. Permit from the city council.

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