FREE! Order your ecological Monouso sticker

We have been with you for many years and have become accustomed to listening to your needs, especially those of you who are struggling to keep a business afloat.

Of all of you, today we want to highlight those who, in addition to raising your dreams, are committed to sustainable solutions. For this reason, and to help you show your green spirit to your customers, at MonoUso we have created our Premium Ecological Adhesive.

This small detail that we wanted to have with you is designed to show off in a visible place in your business, to transmit your eco message. Its design is not only beautiful, but also waterproof and durable, so it is suitable for exteriors (to decorate those terraces!).

How do I get the Monouso Eco Premium Adhesive?

To get this sticker, you just have to place an order at and request it to our team through [email protected] or ✅WhatsApp: 931 158 455

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But beware! Only sustainable products should be ordered, whether they are compostable, biodegradable or reusable. Of course, on our website you will find detailed information about each material and its uses. However, if you have any further questions, the MonoUso team will be happy to help you and provide you with more information.

Send us a picture of the sticker in your business and we’ll share it!

It couldn’t be any other way: we are crazy about receiving your sustainable photos and sharing them with our community. After all, your work is something to brag about!

Restaurants, bars, chiringuitos, shops, warehouses, offices… even animal shelters. We love you all!

Finally, we know that this is only a small detail, but we hope that with it we can help to raise awareness about a responsible and sustainable use of our products, as well as get you to announce your ecological commitment with great fanfare.

Ask for yours!

?931 158 455
[email protected]
✅Whatsapp: 931 158 455

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