How to do gastronomic copywriting?

Today, we decided to write this post where we will talk to you about how to do gastronomic copywriting. If you have your own restaurant or work in the digital marketing department of one, then you will benefit from what you will learn here.
With food copywriting you can create all kinds of persuasive messages that will drive sales in your establishment. And not only that, it will also help you improve your brand identity online.
If you like the little bit we’ve told you so far, then you should keep reading to find out more!
¿Qué encontrarás en este artículo?
What is copywriting?
To make sure you understand all about food copywriting, we think it’s best to first explain what copywriting itself is.
Copywriting is about creating copy that is persuasive enough to convince the potential customer to do what you want them to do. This is achieved through different persuasive techniques and strategies.
We are talking about copy that conveys the personality and maturity of your hospitality business. So that they tell a story that engages the customer and creates the feeling that your brand is committed to making their experience more enjoyable
What is culinary copywriting?
A gastronomic copywriter is a professional or copywriter qualified to write specialized texts in the hospitality industry. With their services they can optimize the monthly/annual monetary income of the local, creating texts that motivate the customer to action.
So, we can say that a gastronomic copywriter is a persuasive copywriter. Someone who surely, at some point in his life, worked in restaurants, caterings or other type of hotel establishment before dedicating himself to digital copy writing.
What ingredients should a gastronomic text have?
Copywriting for restaurants is a new trend that has marked a before and after in the hospitality industry. Especially because it helps to position the image of the restaurant in the readers’ minds.

But, how can I achieve this with my hospitality texts? Easy! In the following lines we will tell you what a winning gastronomic text must have.
- It must transmit your sales proposal in an effective way, taking into account that the proposal must be totally original.
- It must convey a concise message. Especially now that many readers are easily entertained by anything they see on the Internet. And if you subject them to a long and tedious text, they simply won’t connect.
- It must represent the personality of your brand, to the point that they can think of your place while they are reading.
- It must generate a long-term dialogue, and you can only achieve this by creating gastronomic articles with a lot of personality.
- It must convince the customer to press the button to make a reservation. This, combined with a good experience, will help you build customer loyalty.
How to do copywriting for gastronomic texts?
We hope that up to this point everything has become clear to you. Because the next thing is to learn how to do copywriting for gastronomic texts.
First of all, it is a work that has to be hard, constant and strategic to achieve the objectives. There is no point in plugging a text this week, if you will spend more than a month without re-uploading content to your website
Now, without wasting any more time, let’s start with what we promised!
Take care of the words as much as you take care of the ingredients of your dishes
To begin with, it is important that you take care of the words you will use in your texts, as much as you take care of the ingredients of your dishes. Some people make the mistake of focusing on the artificial qualities of their place.

That’s why, even if your business is beautiful, elegant and cutting edge, your customers will feel presumptuous using phrases like, for example
- “In my beautiful and elegant restaurant you will be able to celebrate unforgettable evenings.”
This is wrong! What people really want is to feel at ease in the restaurant, and for that they need to connect with the restaurant. For that reason, using these kinds of frivolous phrases will drive customers away.
A gastronomic text would guarantee better results if you tell them what they can find in your restaurant, for example:
- “You will find delicious natural smoothies and with seasonal fruit, which will help you feel better, refresh you before continuing your working day and recharge your batteries for what you still have left.”
Think about the profile of your ideal customer before you write
Before you start writing, you need to identify the characteristics of your ideal client. This will allow you, among other things, to establish the tone and type of language that all the texts to be written will have.
Here it is important that you carry out a study that will help you to know:
- What do you like and dislike?
- Why does he consume your product?
- How does he like to be treated during his stay?
- How does he express himself?
- Does he like formality or informality?
- What specifically does he/she look for in your business?
Answering all these questions and many more will allow you to know every detail about your potential customers. This is the only way to know how to connect with them through your persuasive texts.
Be clear about what you are writing and why you are writing it
It is essential that you are very clear about what you want to achieve with your gastronomic texts. This is a way to maintain objectivity at all times and avoid going off the deep end.
Remember! The description of a company on the web, the texts of a letter and a promotional newsletter require different descriptions. Therefore, you must keep a straight path to what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and how you will achieve it.
Final Conclusions
At this point of the article we want to clarify something for you, it is advisable to hire a real professional in the area of culinary copywriting.
But why can’t I write the texts for my restaurant?
Simple! Many restaurateurs make the mistake of writing the articles themselves, and end up making texts that do not convince, due to lack of knowledge on the subject.Besides, we are talking about a task that requires a lot of time to achieve a successful article. Time that you will surely not have, especially if you are the one who manages your business.
So will you give food copywriting a try? Let us know your answer in the comments!
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