Packaging, paper and tableware: grease-proof products

qué es un producto antigrasa

There is a wide variety of products to avoid that unpleasant oily sensation on the hands when we eat greasy food. With the grease-proof productswith grease-proof products, meals are kept in optimal conditions and transported in a cleaner and safer way, by using take-away containers, paper bags, plates

What does “grease-proof” mean?

It has a very simple definition and it is that it eliminates grease. This is why grease-proof products prevent consumers from getting oil on greasy foods.

How are grease-proof containers manufactured?

These containers are made of cardboard or paper, and have an added plastic coating to prevent leakage and oil absorption. There are biodegradable grease-proof containers, which are made with a bioplastic of synthetic origin to maintain the ecological properties of the material.

Advantages of grease-proof containers

The following are the great virtues of grease-proof packaging for food businesses and their consumers:

  • They have high resistance and moisture absorption.
  • Food is transported in a clean way, avoiding oil stains.
  • They are made of different disposable, recyclable, biodegradable and/or compostable materials.
  • They are fully customizable, with a natural and traditional image.

Find out much more in our Catering and Hospitality Dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is greaseproof paper used?

Greaseproof paper is used for cooking, baking and wrapping greasy foods such as hamburgers and pies. Thanks to its use, it preserves the quality and flavour with which they were cooked.

What is greaseproof paper?

It is a type of treated paper with a greaseproof protection system. It is made exclusively for food use, and due to its heat resistance it can be used in ovens and microwaves.

What does greaseproof packaging look like?

These containers come in a wide variety of models and sizes, designed to transport food. In addition, they allow the temperature and flavour of the food to be preserved, preventing grease and oil from seeping in.

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