Hand sanitizers: what you need to know to protect yourself

We are going through a worldwide pandemic, the first of the millennium and about 100 years away from the last global disease generated in the health field. For this reason, we must use products that protect our hands and our health such as hand sanitizers.
The use of these disinfectants helps us to reduce the risk of contracting diseases that can be harmful, eliminating viruses and bacteria simply and quickly.
Given the current situation caused by the universal coronavirus pandemic, measures have been implemented to prevent the spread of this disease. The idea is to reduce the number of microorganisms that can affect us.
The measures put in place to prevent contagion are
- Wash your hands with soap and water by rubbing well for at least 20 seconds
- If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizing gels containing alcohol as a base for their ingredients
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What are hand sanitizers?

Hand disinfectants are hygiene products used in medical and hospital facilities, as well as in daily life, in order to provide and maintain basic local hygiene.
This type of product is used by healthcare personnel in hospitals, doctor’s offices, operating rooms and laboratories.
Hand sanitizers prevent the transmission of germs or microorganisms that can negatively affect health.
The use of hand disinfectants is an alternative method to reduce the risks of infection, which with a correct wiping technique reduces the possibility of contagion.
Importance of the percentage of alcohol

When choosing the right hand sanitizer, the percentage of alcohol will be of great importance. From this detail, the efficiency in eliminating infectious agents will be determined.
It will also stop the proliferation of microorganisms that affect us.
To achieve a correct hand disinfection, the gel must contain at least 60% of alcohol and ethanol among its components.
At this concentration, the gel will have the ability to destroy the viral capsid that covers the virus providing a proven protection.
When using hand sanitizing gel it is necessary to completely cover the surface of the hands: palms, back, spaces between the fingers, wrists and nails.
In movements similar to those we make when we wash our hands with soap and water, we must rub them for 20 seconds to ensure a complete and effective cleaning.
It is important to verify that the product label shows the registration number of the Evaluation Agency of Medicines and Health Products, which guarantees the approval of this product by the Ministry of Health.
Tips to identify the different hand disinfectants

There are several types of hand sanitizers with the same purpose: to eliminate the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that affect our health.
The different types of hand disinfectants are:
- Hydroalcoholic gels
- Antiseptic products
- Gels made in pharmacies
- Homemade gels
The identification of the different hand sanitizers is evidenced by the components of their formula.
Hydroalcoholic gels contain between 60% and 72% of alcohol while some gels contain ethanol or isopropanol with a higher spectrum of viricidal activity.
Antiseptic products inhibit the growth of microorganisms, have a broad spectrum of action on viruses and bacteria, guarantee their safety and have a rapid action.
Among the most common antiseptics we can mention
- Ethyl alcohol
- Oxygenated water
- Chlorhexidine
- Sodium hypochlorite
- Povidone
- Tincture of iodine
Don’t trust homemade hand sanitizers

Disinfectant gel preparation at home is booming due to the current shortage of Covid-19 pandemic.
Although it is an option in the face of the problems we face, it does not have controlled conditions for processing. This has been the reason why a great number of proposals are circulating on the Internet, offering the possibility of making homemade disinfectant gels.
To make effective disinfectant gels, you need a simple recipe that includes easily accessible components.
Some of these components are:
- 60% isopropyl alcohol
- 30% aloe vera
- Glycerin
- Tea tree oil
- Lavender oil
- Rosehip oil
Producing household disinfectant gels with the wrong amount of alcohol will result in an ineffective product, which can be harmful to health and present a false barrier to care.
Gel prepared in the pharmacy, effective as a hand disinfectant?

Due to the current shortage of supplies, the hand sanitizing gel can be prepared in the pharmacy, which is considered a safe solution for use.
Disinfectant gels made in pharmacies are authorized by specialized establishments to develop master formulas with the appropriate percentage of components. In this way, they will comply with the biocidal actions of the product.
The effectiveness of hand sanitizing gels manufactured in pharmacies guarantees the sanitizing, antiseptic, bactericidal and fungicidal action because they are manufactured according to the formulas.
Side effects on our skin

In many cases, the use of disinfectant gels decreases or eliminates the lipid barrier that protects the skin generating greater sensitivity.
The recurrent use of hand sanitizing gel can cause dehydration of the skin, desquamation and dryness; however, it is important to note that well formulated sanitizing gels do not affect the skin and are not irritating.
A recommendation for the care of your hands is to apply a moisturizing cream after using gel disinfectant to take care of your health and your skin.
Single Use Hand Sanitizing Gel

At the Monouso online shop, we offer you the ideal hand sanitizing gel to maintain preventive hygiene and avoid possible contact with pathogenic organisms.
The use of this hand sanitizing gel prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, destroying about 90% of fungi, bacteria and viruses with a lipid coating.
This hydroalcoholic gel is enriched with Aloe Vera to condition and soften the skin. After application, it is not necessary to rinse with water.
Enter our website, purchase one of the hand sanitizing gel options that best suits your needs and wait for our delivery.
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