History of Skewers: what you’ve never been told

Since the human being had the need to feed himself or herself, I think that as we have evolved, cooking has become more important in our lives because through food we can transmit feelings to our guests.

Food and culture go hand in hand, no matter where you are, you will have access to unique stories related to a specific dish, that is precisely what happens with kebabs.

They are known around the world under different names, the kebabs are an excellent dish that according to its adaptation becomes unique for the palate, because its preparation takes us back to the basics of food, the ease of eating and the taste that gives know its history, in Monouso we want to tell you more so continue with this reading.

Learn more about the kebabs

The skewers have their origin in the Middle East, it is still not deciphered if it was in Turkey or Iran, despite being a basic structure there is much more to this fabulous dish.

Each site adapted it to its culture, making variety in the dressings, components and accompaniments but maintaining the essence that is placing food on a stick, cooking on coals evoking the first meals of the human being when they just discovered fire.

The history of the kebabs is related to the place where it is found, as we already mentioned the base that is the remembrance of the beginning of humanity when they had the need to put the food to be cooked in the fire.

However, the culinary history of this dish takes us on a journey around the world where each person adds his or her own unique touch:

  • Middle East: the beginning of the journey is precisely where the kebabs called shish kebab in Iran or Şiş kebap in Turkey come from, but we know them as kebab, the protagonist of this dish is the seasoning loaded with condiments that give the cuts of lamb, beef or chicken an unbeatable flavor.
  • In Armenia they are known as khorovats, but by the rest of the region they are known as shashliks, in this case the dressing varies since it is a mixture between wines and spices that give to the meat the special touch, in these regions it is common that the pork is used more.
  • Eastern Europe: if we take a walk through this area we will realize that this dish is very well known and in some places considered national dish, we can find it under different names like:
    • Frigărui.
    • Ražnjići.
    • Ćevapi.
    • Each one different by particularities like aromatic spices, aggregates like onions or vegetables and much more.

The trip does not end because the kebab goes around the world, throughout Europe to reach America where we can find them as steaks in Argentina or anticuchos in Peru, if all this gave you hunger and want to make the best kebabs in the city enter Monouso and find all the options we have that are perfect for you.


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