How to create a hotel quality manual


The quality manual of a hotel is a kind of essential guide in which it is clearly stipulated which steps are carried out in the different tasks that are performed.

What is a hotel quality manual?

When we talk about a quality manual, we are referring to a document that records how the quality management system works within a company. This record is made with the purpose of guaranteeing that the company complies with the quality requirements when producing its products. In your hotel quality manual you will explain the process, policies, scopes and measures that are established in your company to effectively carry out the management system and achieve the business goals set.

The guidelines stipulated by the ISO 9001 Standard are followed. The length of the manual will depend on the size and complexity of your hotel. In addition, the quality manual should be accessible to anyone, such as employees, customers, suppliers, auditors and others, who wish to know what the company’s quality standards are. Therefore, in certain contexts, this document can even be part of your branding.

Advantages of a hotel quality manual

Hotel quality manual

Since 2015, the ISO 9001 Standard stipulated that it is not mandatory to use a quality manual in companies. However, for every hotel business, it is very convenient to have it, because of the multiple advantages it offers. Among them are:

  • It allows employees and other people involved in the development of the hotel’s common activities to know and comply with legal requirements.
  • It facilitates the knowledge of all the internal processes of the business, which makes the work more valuable.
  • The exact definition of quality procedures makes service delivery uniform and highly satisfactory.
  • It allows greater control over all processes, so you can immediately recognize any possible failures that may arise.
  • The quality manual establishes the guidelines to be followed in terms of efficiency and performance, which influences the optimization of results.
  • It allows the hotel company to identify the quality levels it possesses and lay the foundation for continuous quality improvements for its establishment.
  • Increasing quality standards will also increase customer satisfaction and reduce compensation costs for poor service.

In short, the use of a quality manual increases confidence in the service provided by your hotel.

Objectives pursued by a hotel’s quality manual

A hotel quality manual serves many beneficial purposes for any business. These include the following:

  • To specifically describe the operation of the hotel’s management systems.
  • Toguide staff in complying with the quality management system processes.
  • Facilitating the review and analysis of the procedures developed.
  • Monitor the planned growth of the quality management systems.
  • Provide company information, so that employees can consult it to clarify doubts that limit their efficiency.
  • Minimize organizational communication problems, which contributes to a better flow of tasks and therefore, an increase in profitability.
  • Provides new employees with a vision of the company’s quality goals, which gives them more confidence to perform their activities for the first time.
  • It facilitates the processes at the time of an audit, since all processes and operations are previously established.

how is the quality manual structured?

If you have already decided to create a quality manual for a hotel, keep in mind that it should include the following elements:

IntroductionIt presents and relates the elaboration of the manual with information about the company.
Presentation of the companyYou will include information about the company, such as the name of the hotel, productive sector, business values, address, and other identification data.
Table of contentsThis is the table of contents where the sections that make up the manual are shown.
Quality manual informationYou must add the date of elaboration of the manual, how the revisions are made and the certificates of its approval.
ScopeIt indicates which departments of the company are governed by the standards established by the quality management system and the quality objectives of the hotel are pointed out.
Legal standardsLegal basis on which the manual is based.
DocumentsIt refers to all those documents that give validity to the manual, since they accredit the ISO 9001 Standard certification.
Description of the company and positions of responsibilityReflects the organization chart of your hotel and the functions or relationships between the various departments in terms of quality.
Company quality policyRefers to the guidelines followed by the company to meet the standards of the standard. It indicates what the company is going to do, how it is going to do it, who is responsible for carrying it out and the quality objectives it is working towards.
Quality management systemExplains the selected quality management system and its implementation in the company.
Elaboration of the product or serviceThis section shows how planning, supplier purchasing, customer relations, quality control tools used, etc. are carried out.
Measurement and control of the quality policyIt stipulates how the application of the quality policy will be controlled, and the actions to correct possible irregularities and the analysis of these data.

Find out much more about other related terms in our Dictionary of Hospitality and Catering.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a hotel quality manual?

The document in which you explain the process, policies, scopes and measures that are established in your company to efficiently carry out the management system and achieve the business goals set.

Is it compulsory for a hotel to have a quality manual?

Not really. The ISO 9001 Standard stipulates that the use of a quality manual is not mandatory for companies. However, for any hotel business, it is very convenient to have one, because of the many advantages it offers.

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