How does the color of our tableware influence our food?

Colors are so powerful that they can modify and change our mood. For this very reason, and according to a study by the University of Oxford, the color of tableware and cutlery influen ces the taste of the food we eat. Catering designers at events and restaurants know this, and that is why they spend a lot of time thinking about which tableware to choose to present the food.

Just as they do it with their items for catering, tasting and menus you can also do it at home when you have guests. Today in Monouso we tell you how the color of our tableware influences the perception of the food. We are sure you will be surprised! Take good note and put the tips into practice!

The colors of the tableware can modify our feelings about food, since some colors enhance our appetite and others diminish it. But what are these colors?

  • White gives a sense of cleanliness and the sole focus of attention is the food. This can be seen very clearly when we are served a plate of Iberian ham. The central focus is the ham and its explosive color. Dishes with ornaments are avoided because they make it difficult to see clearly and at first glance the texture and tones of the food.
  • Blue, on the other hand, is one of those colors that makes our appetite decrease.
  • On the contrary, warmer colors such as yellows and light colors are much more stimulating for our appetite. Even reds and browns make food look very attractive to our palate.

These are just a few brushstrokes, but there are actually many studies on the Color psychology where you can learn tricks to implement in your restaurants, catering, events or even in your dinners with friends.

We hope these tips will help you increase the attractiveness of your dishes. Remember that if you are looking for single-use disposable tableware in our monouso website you will find a great variety: plastic, ecological, biodegradable, bamboo, etc. We are waiting for you!

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