How many calories does the most divine pizza have

Pizza is one of the most versatile foods and its thousands of forms are part of the Mediterranean diet.

The amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that pizza provides depends on the ingredients it has. However, the ones that almost never vary are those coming from cereals, oil, tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

The fact that some fast food chains have adopted pizza within their menus has caused a deformation. Due to the ingredients and the way of preparation, the pizzas increased their caloric load.

That’s why this article clarifies the doubts about how many calories you take in when you give up on this international dish. Also, you will see which is the healthiest option to not gain weight.

A little bit of history

Un poco de historia

Without a doubt, pizza is part of the idiosyncrasy of the Italian nation. However, it has a past full of stories where, as is often the case with world gastronomy, many claim to be its creators.

From Egypt, the bread traveled to several locations in Europe allowing the most exquisite preparations in the world to be born.

Pizza may have taken its first steps in ancient Greece, where they ate flatbread, which they made with some spices, onions, herbs and garlic

In Persia, soldiers were fed flatbread covered with melted cheese and potato pieces. Therefore, many say that this preparation is the predecessor of the pizza.

However, the creation of pizza as we know it today dates back to the 17th century, when in the poor areas of Naples tomatoes were added to bread, even though people thought it was poisonous.

The people were fascinated by its incredible taste, and innovated by adding new ingredients to it to the extent that people from other cities came to Naples to taste this delicacy.

In this way, a gastronomy phenomenon was born that continues to conquer palates.

Amount of calories per pizza

Cantidad de calorías por pizza

Everyone loves a good pizza and calories should not be an obstacle. But after the feast, we often think about the sin committed and worry about our weight.

So, in order not to feel guilty, we leave you with the amount of calories that a pizza has according to the most common medium-size preparations.

Margherita Pizza: This is the simplest pizza, since its ingredients are only the base of tomato and cheese. A complete pizza has 1,864 kilocalories and for each slice it has 233 kilocalories.

Neapolitan pizza: this presentation contains mozzarella, tomato, black olives and anchovies, ingredients that give it a strong and somewhat salty taste. Each slice of pizza has 260 kilocalories and a whole slice provides 2,080 kilocalories.

Tropical Pizza: This recipe is one of the most controversial because it tends to divide pizza lovers. It consists of a base of tomato, cheese, ham and pineapple. The whole pizza is 1,994 kilocalories and each slice is 243 kilocalories.

Pizza prosciutto: If you take the pineapple out of the ingredients of a tropical pizza, you get the Prosciutto pizza, which has 1,832 kilocalories when complete

Four Seasons Pizza: One of the most complete recipes, as it has ingredients from each of the seasons. Mushrooms, olives, cured ham, eggplant or artichokes, mozzarella cheese and tomato base.

A four-season pizza-medium adds up to 2,080 kilocalories. Each slice is about 260 kilocalories.

Vegetarian pizza: perfect for people who do not consume meat ingredients. It has as ingredients: mushrooms, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, peppers and onions

Contrary to what you might think, vegetarian pizza is not light. It’s estimated that one slice contains 266 calories, while a whole pizza provides 2,128 kilocalories.

Four-cheese pizza. In addition to the traditional tomato base, distinctive in almost all pizza presentations, this recipe has four cheeses to choose from.

Each piece of this temptation has 280 kilocalories, but if you eat a whole one, you will have 2240 kilocalories.

It is important to remember that, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that a woman should consume between 1,600 and 2,000 calories per day.

Because of their physical makeup, the WHO states that men should eat between 2,000 and 2,500 calories a day.

How many calories does a fast food pizza have

Cuántas calorías tiene una pizza de comida rápida

In the previous section, we talked about pizzeria preparations. As we mentioned at the beginning, fast food chain pizzas have many more calories. This is due, in principle, to the preservatives and additives that their ingredients have.

However, many of the regulars at places like Domino’s or Papa John’s don’t really know what they are storing in their bodies.

According to information provided by each restaurant, a portion of fast food pizzas provides the following amount of calories:

  • Domino’s Cheese Pizza: 257 calories
  • Domino’s Sausage Pizza: 272 kilocalories
  • Domino’s ExtravaganZZa Feast: 144 kilocalories
  • Pizza Hut Pepperoni: 291 calories
  • Pizza Hut Cheese: 275 calories.
  • Papa John’s Cheese: 260 kilocalories.
  • Digiorno Pizza: 247 calories
  • Pizza Casa Tarradellas with ham and cheese: 224 calories.
  • Pizza Casa Tarradellas four cheeses: 280 calories
  • Telepizza Bacon Cheeseburger: 216 calories
  • Telepizza Barbecue: 219 kilocalories
  • Telepizza Carbonara: 214 kilocalories
  • Telepizza Ibérica: 188 calories.

Homemade pizza, the least fattening

Pizza casera, la que menos engorda

The pizza that has the fewest calories is the one we make at home. How is this possible? Simple, when we cook at home we use healthier and fresher ingredients. Also, we don’t have to add any preservatives to any of our ingredients.

Among the homemade pizzas with less calories we have the Margarita and the well-known Marinera pizza. The calories that these pizzas have vary between 150 and 300 calories, for each portion of 100 grams of weight, approximately.

It’s the ideal way to eat a delicious pizza while taking care of your health.

And if you’re worried about the calories of each ingredient you’re going to eat, you can calculate them with the help of a cALORIE METER.

What do you have to do to burn off the calories from the pizza you ate?

Qué debes hacer para quemar las calorías de la pizza que comiste

Once the sin committed, as divine treachery to your figure, there is no other option but to burn those calories.

The problem is that everything you consumed at one meal cannot be discarded in a single workout, unless you exercise very often.

As we have seen, the caloric contribution of the pizzas is much higher than the one we need daily. That’s why we bring you a basic routine to burn off that extra energy that will be converted into fat.

To begin with, you should warm up. With your body in tune, run one kilometer in six minutes for every kilometer. Ideally, you should run for 30 minutes so that you burn 300 calories.

Once this process is finished, you have to do a training circuit for 20 minutes.

Yes, we understand that you get tired just thinking about it, but the problem with calories is that we add them at a higher rate than we use to lose them.

You have to do the circuit in squats, arm-bottoms, burpees and lunges with as much effort as possible for 20 seconds at a time. Between each series, take a 10-second break. Take a deep breath.

By doing this circuit you will work each exercise for four minutes and burn another 300 calories.

At this point you will be tired. If necessary, get some air and then take a spinning class that lasts about 45 minutes.

With this exercise you will burn about 700 calories. If you have the energy to burn the remaining 500 calories, do gentle jogging for one minute and alternate with 30 seconds of hard jogging. Repeat that process ten times and you’ll finally have burned off all the calories on your pizza.

As you may have noticed, this is a training that not everyone can complete.

If you’re not in shape or don’t perform routines at this level, it’s best to avoid eating a whole pizza or you’ll end up jeopardizing your figure.

Do you love pizza? Then this interests you

¿Te encanta la pizza? Entonces esto es contigo

Pizza has many lovers, but it is also true that making it is not always an easy task. That’s why we fall for frozen pizzas or take away, adding more calories than necessary.

With this in mind, here are a few tips to keep your pizza within easy reach, especially when faced with Sunday night cravings.

Dough in the fridge

Masa al refrigerador

Making the pizza dough is fun the first few times, but then you get tired or stressed out when you make it. It’s a process that can be long.

To keep it fresh, you should make more dough than you need. The unused portion can be stored in the refrigerator in a container.

Ideally, use freezer bags, so your dough is perfect and protected from freezer burn.

Low-calorie ingredients

Ingredientes con pocas calorías

If you want your pizza to be as healthy as possible, you should choose natural ingredients. It’s a good idea to buy it at your local market, where you know you’re getting fresh, high quality products.

In addition to the tomato, which is necessary for the base of the pizza, include vegetables in your recipes that will give an extraordinary flavour with a low calorie content.

When you finish making your pizza, add a little olive oil to enhance the flavors of your ingredients.

Buffalo mozzarella cheese

Queso mozzarella de búfala

The perfect image we recreate in our minds when we think of a pizza is that piece of cheese that stretches like gum as we move our hand. It’s a symbol, unequivocal, that everything is fine.

Cheese is one of the most important ingredients because it is part of the base of the pizza. However, it is necessary to eat it in a moderate amount, because of the high levels of fat and calories it has.

If you want a pizza with a lighter flavor and fewer calories, use buffalo mozzarella cheese, so you don’t lose the traditional flavor and you can add a little more without adding so many calories.

Spices for pizza

If you think your pizza doesn’t have the flavor you wanted by substituting some ingredients, add spices to give it an innovative flavor. For example, a touch of oregano changes the whole picture.

You can also add some fresh herbs. In this case, an herb that always works for pizzas is basil, it will give you a fresh and crunchy touch. Put it in when you take it out of the oven.

There are no limits to the ingredients

No hay límites de ingredientes

So that the pizza fills you up faster and you don’t have to eat more slices, don’t be afraid to put in the vegetables you want in the amount you want.

Pizzas with vegetables are ideal because they are not high in fat and calories, but they will fill you up faster.

Say no to frozen pizzas

The lifestyle that many of us lead makes us run, without time to do all the tasks we want. That’s when we fall into frozen food

Many recipes are delicious and ready in the blink of an eye, yet they are loaded with sugars and chemical additives that do a disservice to your health.

Eat pizza at home, cheap and easy

Comer pizza en casa, barato y fácil

To make a pizza at home you need certain tools. At Monouso, you get what you need to make a pizza easily, with the best quality and at the best price.

To take the dough to the oven, you will need a container, preferably a round one. In our online shop, you will find a wide variety of round aluminium containers. This type of packaging, in addition to being resistant, can withstand high temperatures so they are suitable for baking your delicious pizzas

Another advantage of these containers is that they come in different sizes so that you can prepare the portions you want. And when you are done, you don’t have to wash for hours, since they are disposable.

Out of the mold, you need a good tray to carry the pizza to your guests. At Monouso, you find the bamboo trays, beautiful pieces of wood that will give a special touch to the evening.

In addition to being stylish and sturdy, the bamboo trays are reusable and eco-friendly. At the end of their useful life, this type of product degrades without leaving any harmful traces in the environment.

These trays can withstand up to 70º C, so they are used for food that does not need to be put back in the oven or microwave

If you didn’t make an exact calculation about the amount of pizza you should bake, there is food left or you intend to take it somewhere else, the best thing is the pizza boxes.

There you will find the traditional wholesale pizza boxes or the comfortable wedges where you can place one or two slices of pizza per box, ideal for having everything ready to serve and taking up little space during the move.

After placing your order, you only have to wait up to 48 hours for the products to arrive at your address. We assure you that all products have the best quality and price for your pocket.

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