How many rods come out of a barrel

Cuántas cañas salen de un barril

When organizing the opening of a bar or the increase of the drinks you are going to offer in your business, you need to know some data, one of them is to know how many rods come out of a barrel.

This information, as insignificant as it may seem, will help you to establish the number of barrels you must have in your store, calculate the sales prices of each cane and project the profits you can generate with each sale

From a standard size barrel, discover the best formula to calculate how many rods come out of a barrel, with the precision you need for your business.

How many canes come out of a 30-liter barrel

Cuántas cañas salen en un barril de 30 litros

Before starting, it is necessary to clarify that we will establish all the calculations from a 30 liter barrel. Why? This type of barrel is used in restaurants and cane bars.

Waste or scrap

As we have indicated in our blog, in any restaurant, hotel and catering business, there is the decline and you must take it into account so that you don’t get any surprises during your management

In the case of the canes, for example when a cane is served, you should discard some beer before serving a glass, is a movement that allows to serve in a correct way and with the right amount of foam.

Therefore, you must subtract between one and a half liters of beer from the total of the barrel

After that, there are about 29 liters of beer left for your cane.

However, the loss or waste of your restaurant will depend a lot on your processes. Some bars report between 10 and 15% loss in their barrels.

Measuring the beer by barrel

Taking into account the decrease and establishing the percentage to be calculated, now you are ready to know how many rods come out of a barrel.

In general, the cups or glasses used to serve canes are 333 milliliters, known in the brewing world as a third

Taking that capacity as a basis, we can calculate that from a 30 liter barrel it yields to serve an approximate of 88 glasses of a third.

Obviously, in case you have a glass with more or less capacity, you will have to calculate how many reeds come out of a barrel depending on what you are using.

Now you can calculate the amount of barrels you need in your restaurant and how many people you can serve with one of them.

Calculation guide for canes of different capacities

Do you have rods of another capacity and want to know how your barrel will perform?

No problem, here is a reference that will help you calculate the amount of drinks you will serve, taking into account where you serve them.

  • Canes of 200 ml – 210 drinks
  • 300 ml glasses – 140 drinks
  • Double 400 ml – 105 drinks
  • 500 ml jugs – 85 drinks
  • Pints of 568 ml – 74 drinks

What to do when the barrel is emptied?

After you finish the keg and change it to serve new beer, you will not have to throw it away.

You only have to manage the return to the brewery, they will deliver a new keg of beer to your business.

If you are concerned about this process, you should know that the life span of a keg of beer is estimated at 10 years. This way, they ensure to deliver a product with its characteristics intact at all times.

Products to serve beer like a professional

Productos para servir cañas como un profesional

People who frequent a bar, even if you don’t believe it, expect a minimum standard of service and in case you don’t reach it, you will lose customers.

For this reason, it is important that you have everything you need to serve your demanding clientele with the best glasses and cups for your cane.

In our online store, Monouso, we have the products you need for your business stands out and your customers are pleased.

Inside our virtual shelves you will find San and Tritan reusable cups These products, which stand out for their quality and safety, are considered unbreakable glasses.

They are available in variety of forms and diverse capacities, so they will adapt to your business.

In addition, we have the reusable plastic cups PP The newest models of the newest models are resistant and in new shapes, perfect for parties or open air events.

In case you are looking for a glass to serve the canes that are ordered to go, in Monouso we also have them.

The American Party Cups Available in a variety of vibrant colors, they are the type of product you are looking for in your business.

They are also useful for fun activities inside your bar to please your customers, like the well-known game of beer pong.

All these glasses are available for immediate delivery, we can ship it to the address of your convenience and -for orders over 59 Euros- the service is free.

Look no further, the products you need for your business are in Monouso.


How many reeds come out of a 30-liter barrel?

For 333 ml canes, the use of the barrel would allow us to serve 88 third glasses.
But we can count on other types of glasses. If the canes are 200 mil, we would get 210 drinks. However, if we sn pints of 568 ml, we would get 74 drinks.

What is done when the keg is emptied?

The beer supplier will remove the empty keg and deliver a new one to the bar or restaurant.

Is it possible to use all the liquid in the keg?

That is practically impossible. There is always a certain amount of waste due to the use of the keg.

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