How the food safety control is carried out

Food security is the key to a fair and balanced diet for the entire population. It is also the best tool for the study and prevention of food problems such as hunger, deficiencies, malnutrition, etc.
Each country and region has different safety standards to carry out quality controls, however the WHO is the main body in this matter. This organization dictates the rules and paradigms in the fight against famine and disease, therefore, the vast majority of countries are governed by these principles.
On the other hand, food production and distribution companies have their own hygiene and health standards. In short, all parties involved share, or should share, the same principles and objectives. But to what extent is it possible? Can food safety be regulated?
At Monouso, we are 100% committed to food safety, so we will answer these questions.
Who is involved in food security?
From the first producers to the common consumers are involved in food safety; however, there are thousands of bodies in charge of regulating these activities.
Every government is directly involved in monitoring food security. They are the first ones in charge of regulating the jurisdictions to make it possible, and they are the ones who must exercise the law and sanction those who do not comply with food safety measures.
Moreover, it is not only the task of governments and official institutions to carry out quality controls. Each company must have a fair and comprehensive plan for its production, processing and distribution methods.
Tasks such as maintenance and hygiene of storage facilities, disposal of damaged food, transportation and so on fall to the companies. In turn, tasks such as pesticide regulation, penalties and closures are primarily the responsibility of governments.
Finally, small businesses are also involved. Bars, restaurants and supermarkets must have internal quality control and food safety plans to ensure the health of consumers.
Quality control ranges from reviewing the conditions of the producers to judging the final products. While regulations fall on public institutions, many companies are dedicated to food quality control. These are responsible for judging the condition of goods, whether on a small or large scale.
Even if they are not part of governments, these organizations must be recognized and endorsed by governments to do this work.
Without appropriate, diverse, objective and efficient quality control, food safety problems would multiply everywhere. Thus, a simple restaurant could become the focus of food-related diseases and infections.
Food safety affects us all equally, from the largest producers to the common consumer – after all, food is one of the basic needs of human beings. For that reason, we must all thoroughly investigate its importance and implement it on a daily basis to improve our health and that of those around us.
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