How do I know what size gloves I am?

Gloves have become an indispensable protection tool in the workplace. They are being used by an increasing number of people in different sectors. We are referring to gloves for mechanics, medical gloves and gloves for the food industry. That is why it is important to know how to choose the right glove size.

It is inconceivable to think that you can put on your hands a glove of any size. That would cause many inconveniences at the time of performing the work, if a glove fits small or large, as it would not allow good movements. This is the main reason why you should know how to choose the perfect size.

How to know my glove size

To know how to choose the right glove size, consider the following instructions:

  • Place your hand open with your fingers together, except for your thumb. The thumb should be separated from the rest of the fingers.
  • Now pass a tape measure around the hand, above the knuckles.
  • The idea is to make a circumference on the hand leaving the thumb outside.
  • Measure the distance from the middle finger to the wrist, where the hand begins.

Table to know the size of gloves

Below we will show you a comparative chart. This will make it easier for you to choose your glove size.

Circumference of the handEquivalence of glove sizes
Between 17 and 19 cmXS
Between 19 and 20 cmS
Between 20 and 22 cmM
Between 22 and 24 cmL
Between 24 and 26 cmXL
Between 26 and 28 cmXXL
Between 28 and 30 cmXXXL

Take into account the material to to order the size

Not all disposable not all disposable gloves can be used for specific jobs, although some do there are those who do. For example, you cannot use the same kind of gloves for a hospital as for a dental clinic gloves for a hospital than in a dental clinic. Or in the case of a mechanical workshop and the food company, in those cases the material is taken into account.

How can I know my glove size?

A simple tape measure and a ruler can be more than enough to get to know the size of gloves. In Monouso we tell you how to get the measurement easily and quickly.

What does the elasticity of gloves depend on?

The elasticity of gloves depends directly on the material from which they are made: latex, nitrile, vinyl, polyurethane and neoprene.

Can all professionals use all types of gloves?

No, or at least they shouldn’t. A mechanic and a doctor need different materials, but it also happens among healthcare professionals themselves.

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