How to choose your restaurant waiters’ uniform

The hotel and catering clothing is one of the most important elements that define the image of a business and provide a plus of professionalism. The waiters are the people who represent your restaurant and also those in charge of being in contact with the customers, so their image is a projection of what your business represents. Therefore, the clothes of the waiters and chefs’ hats they say much more about your restaurant than you think.

Now, how do you choose a waiter’s uniform to represent your business values? From Single-use we give you some important guidelines that will help you choose the best hotel and catering clothing.

Quick guide to choosing a waiter’s uniform

Before we start, we want you to know that there are currently different types of fabrics, designs and colors for creating waiters’ uniforms, as we are looking for the best possible clothing.

What is the image of your business?

The first question you should ask yourself is: What is the image of my business? What do I want to project?

It is important that you spend enough time reflecting on these ideas because the uniform you choose must convey these values. Elegance, sobriety, style, tradition, modernity, daring, … think of 5 words that define your hotel business and reflect it in the waiters’ uniform.

Traditionally, black and white has always been the color combination for the waiters’ uniforms, but we are increasingly seeing other options that incorporate new designs and colors.

If your style is more casual and young people oriented, perhaps you could use a bolder, more colorful waiter‘s uniform. On the other hand, if it is a restaurant with very elaborate dishes and designed for an adult audience or a gourmet restaurant, maybe you should look for elegance and sobriety in the uniform of your waiters.

Always remember that the most important thing is to look for harmony between all the aspects that make up your restaurant.

What is the specialty of your business?

The second question you should ask yourself before choosing a uniform for your waiters is this: What is the specialty of my business?

If your catering business is focused on a very specific type of food, perhaps it is better that the waiters’ uniforms also go with it and are as faithful as possible to the gastronomic style that reigns in your business.

Try to make the waiters’ uniforms tell a story, the story you want to tell through your dishes. For example, you can wink at the typical clothes of the place where your dishes come from.

Characteristics of the waiter’s uniform

Once you’ve answered these two questions. Any uniform you choose must meet the following criteria:

  • Customers should be able to clearly identify the waiters in your business at a glance.
  • The uniforms must be comfortable and practical.
  • Kitchen aprons and aprons are the best option for the waiters.

As you can see kitchen aprons and aprons must be chosen very carefully so that they project the values of your restaurant, as they will transmit the values of your restaurant.

We hope we’ve helped you. And remember that at Monouso you’ll find the best hotel clothing at the best price. We’re waiting for you!

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