How to clean the washer and dryer


The washing machine and dryer are some of the most widely used appliances in all homes, however, in many cases, these appliances are not properly maintained. Many people believe that just shaking the dust and wiping the outside with a damp cloth is enough to keep it clean.

Unfortunately, this is not true and, for this reason, the life of these appliances can be shorter and even their operation can be different despite being of the same make and model. If you’ve had your washer and dryer a little neglected over the last few months, it’s time to give it a thorough cleaning, you’ll be surprised at the results!

How do I clean the inside of the washing machine?

Dusting, wiping with a damp cloth and then drying with a dry cloth are the 3 steps that are usually done to clean the washing machine. Well, let’s say that this is a quick exterior cleaning, but just like in the kitchen, in the pipes and in the pool, it is necessary to do a deep cleaning of the washing machine to improve its operation and make it safer.

The inside of the washing machine should be cleaned frequently to prevent a gray line of dirt and soap from forming. Ideally, this should be done after every wash, but since this may sometimes sound a little overwhelming, do it once a month. Here are a few simple steps on how to clean your washing machine from the inside:

  1. Fill the washing machine with hot water, add 500 ml of chlorine and set it to run a cycle of about ten minutes without draining the water. Then let it stand with the chlorine water in for half an hour.
  2. After half an hour, have it run a washing cycle again, but this time it should be the longest. At the end, let the water drain off.
  3. Fill your washing machine with hot water again. This time you will add 500 ml of white vinegar to the water, let it run a short cycle without draining the water and let it stand for half an hour.
  4. Put your gloves on your hands.
  5. Use a soft sponge to clean the inside of the washing machine. The vinegar water will help you to easily remove any traces of dirt and will disinfect the drains. Carefully clean the bottom area of the edges and under the knob.
  6. Let the washing machine drain the water with vinegar. Dry with a dry cloth inside and out.
  7. Remove the chlorine, soap and fabric softener dispensers. Wash them in soapy water and rinse with white vinegar.


How to clean the dryer?

Having your dryer always clean will extend its life and minimize the risk of it malfunctioning and causing a fire in your home. People generally think that cleaning the washer filter is enough to keep the dryer running smoothly and clean, but the dryer not only builds up lint, but also small traces of fabric softener, chlorine and soap. For this reason, it is also necessary to do a thorough cleaning on a regular basis. By following these simple steps, you can clean your dryer easily:

  1. Remove the lint filter from the dryer and clean it carefully.
  2. Using soap and a soft brush or sponge, wash the filter to remove accumulated dirt.
  3. Dry the filter with a dry cloth.
  4. Place the filter in the right place inside the dryer.
  5. Check that the filter allows water to pass through. This indicates that it is absolutely clean.
  6. Clean the outside of the dryer with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the washer and dryer should be a habit in every household. Thoroughly cleaning them at least once a month is the best way to extend their life for many years and improve their performance.

A well-maintained washer and dryer can last more than 15 years in the home. For more ideas and tips on cleaning don’t forget to visit our Monouso online shop.

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