How to clean upholstered furniture

Cleaning upholstered furniture can be a nightmare if you don’t have the right instructions. This coating is quite delicate, so it must be treated very carefully to keep it in perfect condition; otherwise, you could ruin your sofa or armchair just by trying to wash it.
Depending on the manufacture of your upholstery, you can wash it directly in the washing machine, or use the dryer to sanitize it. However, the appliances will not always be able to help you, so you should know which products are best for cleaning the upholstery.
Would you like to find out how to make your furniture totally immaculate? Then this article is for you. On Monouso We would love to share our secrets to sanitize your upholstery and leave it in perfect condition. Keep reading!
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Cleaning upholstered furniture
Believe it or not, covers do not completely protect your furniture from dirt. Dust and dirt are always present on the furniture, which is why they need to be cleaned from time to time in order to fight them properly.
The first thing you should do is read the instructions on the labels. That way, you will find out if your upholstery is suitable for washing or not and which cycle you should use. You can also choose the classic upholstery products on the market or opt for homemade products such as
Vinegar and bicarbonate
Almost all kitchens have both ingredients, as they are extremely easy and inexpensive to obtain.
The first thing you have to do is dilute the vinegar in enough warm water. Remember that vinegar, like cleaning products, is used in small quantities. Likewise, you should not add too much bicarbonate, one spoonful is enough.
In this case, the brushes can damage the fabric, so you will only need a common handkerchief.
Soak the handkerchief in the solution without saturating it with the solution. Focus on the dirtiest parts, but cover the entire furniture so that the cleaning is even.
Ammonia has a strong and very characteristic smell, but you only have to dilute it in enough water to work.
Just like the combination of vinegar and bicarbonate, you only need a handkerchief to clean your fabric furniture perfectly. Ammonia is especially useful for grease stains, sweat, blood, coffee, wine and other products.
Vacuum cleaner
The vacuum cleaner can become the best friend of upholstered furniture. Just remember the following steps and your furniture will look impeccable:
- First shake the furniture to help the device.
- If you have them, focus on the decorative cushions first.
- Continue with the cover cushions.
- Remove them and clean the inside of the furniture.
- Don’t forget to check the corners and wood parts.
- Now you just have to clean up around them.
Following our recommendations, your upholstered furniture will look great. This way you will be able to enjoy a cleaner and cleaner home and preserve the life of your furniture. At the same time, your visitors will be impressed by the good condition of your armchairs. Check it out!
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