How to do SEO for restaurants


If your hospitality services are already on the web, you will know how important it is to use SEO for restaurants. These are nothing more than dynamics that adapt to the algorithms of the different search engines to improve the web positioning.

Using the best SEO strategies for restaurants will certainly increase the number of users on your website considerably. As a result, you will get a solid presence in the networks that will allow you to extend the reach of your business.

Positioning does not always require programming engineers or the greatest web page specialists. On the contrary, with the right instructions, you can understand the vast logarithms of the search engines and use them to your advantage.

Would you like to find out what it takes to get your restaurant in the top search indexes? At MonousoIn addition, we have simplified all the IT terms and processes to perfect your positioning on the networks.

Positioning strategy

The most used search engine in Spain is Google, followed by Bing and Yahoo, for that reason, we will focus on the first one. Bear in mind that the formats vary according to each engine, so you should take some time to study them carefully; however, the dynamics are usually similar in the different search engines, and are based on:

Keyword Index (Kewywords)

Handling the most requested words will allow you to know the needs of the users to respond to them. For your restaurant to have a good SEO positioning, it must be focused on its region and specific language; otherwise, its content would be generic and would be lost among websites from all over the world.

The tools to determine the incidence of words and terms in Google are:

  • Google Search Console.
  • Google Trend.
  • Google Analytics.
  • Google Business.
  • Google Adwords.
  • SEMrush.
  • SEO Quake.
  • SEO Peek.

Diffusion in social networks

Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are already indispensable tools for restaurants. A good visual campaign is capable of making your potential customers fall in love with you, so you must focus on this aspect.

Share new proposals every week. Invite users to share your social networks. Make continuous reviews so that diners are the ones who position your business. Hire a professional photographer and give your restaurant the image it deserves.

At the same time, use the slow-motion food videos to make your business look good on the net. The more tags and hashtags you can get, the higher your visit rate will be.


User experience

Last but not least, you must make sure that the user experience is the most appropriate for your website. Otherwise, the search engines will penalize you and leave you in the lowest positions of incidence.

To do this, you must perform the following actions:

  • Reduce the number of words.
  • Adapt your website to mobile phones.
  • Use low-income images, except on social networks.
  • Incorporate your restaurant’s menu and keep it updated.
  • Create a delivery dynamic in your city.
  • Implement a rating system. Google My Business is the best platform to synchronize your restaurant with review pages.

Following our suggestions, you can use the dynamic SEO to position your restaurant on the web and displace the competition. In less than you can imagine, your business will be successfully viralized on the networks.

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