How to make delicious homemade popcorn

Popcorn is a appetizer or a snack that fascinates many people Especially the little ones in the house.They are simple and quick to prepare. Moreover, they are healthy for anyone, if eaten in moderation.In addition, popcorn you can prepare them salty, sweet or with colours to give them a fun touch.Know the best ways to prepare delicious homemade popcorn if you want to make it on the cooker or in the microwave.
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Basic homemade popcorn recipe

To prepare some tasty popcorn you only need 30 millilitres of oil of your choice, salt and 70 grams of popcorn kernels.Put the oil in the frying pan and take it to the kitchen, over a high heat. Once hot, lower the flame and add the corn kernels.Remember that – after placing the corn kernels – it is important to cover the pot to prevent the popcorn from flying out when it starts to explode.When you stop hearing the characteristic sound of the kernels exploding, it’s time to turn off the flame and remove the lid to serve.
Homemade buttered popcorn: Closer to heaven

If you prefer popcorn with butter, for its incredible taste, take notes to surprise your family.To make homemade popcorn with butter, you can follow two recipes that will give you unbeatable results.In the first recipe you must make popcorn regularly. On the other hand, melt the butter Once the homemade popcorn is ready, spray it with the butter and enjoy.For the second recipe, you must put the oil, wait for it to heat up and put the kernels of corn as the basic procedure However, before you cover the pot you add a spoonful of butter and each popcorn will absorb its flavour as it explodes.A little melted butter always remains at the bottom of the pot, so mix it with a spatula so that all the popcorn is covered and serve.
Popcorn: Microwave, the best ally of a preparation in seconds
If you want to make a home cinema, you have to take care of every detail to feel at home.The microwave is your ally to make the popcorn you will serve, as you can cook it in kraft paper bags.The typical bags in which you serve popcorn have a capacity of up to 60 grams of kernels.Place the kernels – inside the kraft paper bag – together with a spoonful of oil and half a teaspoon of salt.When you have placed the ingredients, fold the opening of the bag and make cuts to ensure that the bag does not open when closing at the corners.Insert the bag horizontally, so that it lies flat, and turn on the microwave for two minutes.Be careful when taking the bag out of the microwave because there may be some grains left to be exploited It is advisable to leave it for a few seconds before opening it.
Sweet popcorn, the favourite of many

If you want a sweet and crunchy snack, homemade popcorn is one of your best options.To make it you need a handful of popcorn kernels, a spoonful of oil and 125 grams of sugar.First prepare the popcorn and then add the sugar, for which you can use two methods.The first method is to add the sugar to the popcorn so that it melts with its heat and there is not a single popcorn without caramel.The other way is to take another pot and prepare the caramel in it. Once it is ready, place the popcorn in the candy pot and stir to cover.
Coloured popcorn to charm the little ones

The coloured popcorn is very eye-catching and any child would like to eat it, so you can surprise them with a new recipe.While you prepare the delicious popcorn, cook a sugar syrup that is not too thick To do this, you should put equal parts of water and sugar on a low heat.Once the syrup is ready, serve it in several glasses to mix with ten drops of colouring. Serve as many parts of the syrup as you have dyes.The popcorn is ready, add the syrup to your popcorn and get ready to surprise them all
Tricks for making perfect homemade popcorn

Making homemade popcorn is very simple, but it never hurts to know a few tricks to to perfect your techniques to prepare them. Today we bring you some.The first one is that you can not only eat your sweet or salty popcorn Use some spices to flavour your popcorn and discover new favourite flavours.Another important fact to know is why your popcorn doesn’t explode One of the reasons why this happens is that you put in many grains of corn and there is more than one layer, and the top grains do not explode easily because they have less contact with the flame.Take the corn grains that did not explode and immerse them in water to hydrate them.The moisture contained in the maize grains is what – when subjected to high temperatures – causes the corn grain to explode into popcorn.
Give your popcorn a special touch

If you want to feel like you’re in a movie theatre when you watch a movie at home, it is important to have popcorn boxes to serve your snack.At Single-useIf you are looking for a popcorn container, you will find a variety of containers to suit your needs.To choose more comfortably and offer more options, we have popcorn boxes with capacities of 45, 90, 150, 720, 960, 1380, 1920, 3900 and 5400 grams.They are made of rigid cardboard to prevent them from breaking during use. We also have folding models, so that storage is not a problem.Enter our online shop and discover all the products we have to enrich your life.
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