How to make recycled paper at home?

The art of recycling seems to be taking root in the population and more and more people are deciding to recycle all the packaging and products they consume. And not only that, there is also a movement that seeks to go one step further and create their own recycled materials. Can there be anything more natural, artisanal and ecological?

Today at Monouso we tell you how to make recycled paper at home. Without a doubt, it’s a nice initiative you can do with children so that they learn to make paper and also so that they internalize the value of recycling and the importance of giving things a second chance. It is our duty to teach them how to take care of the environment, what better way to do it than this?

What do I need to make recycled paper at home?

  • Waste paper or newsprint (except those that are laminated)
  • Craft scissors
  • Large container or bowl
  • Mixer or blender
  • Drainer
  • Sponge
  • Mesh and old fabrics

How to make recycled paper at home?

YouTube video

  1. The first thing we must do is cut the used paper into small pieces. This task can be done by the child of the house using the craft scissors. It is important that you participate and that you understand that your task is important and valued within the activity.
  2. Once we have the paper cut into small pieces, we have to pour it into a large container where we have to add twice as much hot water as paper. The idea is to leave it long enough for the paper to absorb all the water.
  3. Then we must mix everything well and grind it into a paste. You can use a mixer or blender to do this, but only if it has enough power. This step is important for the parents.
  4. That beaten mixture will result in a greyish paper pulp. When we have it, we only have to put it in the drainer and rinse it with cold water (it is important that it is cold water). Then we drain all the paper well again to eliminate the excess water and prevent it from dripping.
  5. The next step is to spread the paper paste on a screen with the help of a spoon. You can use a spoon or a roller (the typical one for making pizza dough) to make it much easier and faster. This step is quite fun because of the originality of the matter, so the little ones will have a great time.
  6. To dry the water well and end the humidity, help yourself with a sponge that you will have to pass well to dry the water.
  7. It seems that the result is already visible, right? Now we have to turn the sheet into a cloth that we must have previously moistened, and we pass the sponge again to remove the moisture and smooth without removing the mesh.
  8. Remove the mesh and take the other piece of cloth to cover the recycled paper. This way it will be perfect and uniform on all sides.
  9. Let the hours go by, even a day, and you’ll find the paper dry and ready for reuse. We can use it for painting or other things. The children will be very proud of their work.

YouTube video

What is the purpose of recycling?

This is just a small example of how we recycle the materials we put in the recycling bins and how we can put them to a second use, but there are thousands of other examples. For example, recycled materials can be used to produce food packaging or green packaging recyclable and biodegradable that will make your life easier.

In addition to being resistant, they have been manufactured with respect for the environment and, once used, can be reused again to give them a new life. They do not leave a negative mark on the environment, and that is what we like best.

Making recycled paper at home and then using it is a very easy, fun and educational activity that will help children to have a fun afternoon, but also to learn the value of recycling. Taking care of the environment is in our hands. All actions add up, and this is one of them.

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