How to set up a dark kitchen or ghost restaurant

The delivery revolution has come hand in hand with the dark kitchen or ghost restaurants. Do you want to know how to set up a dark kitchen? It’s easier than you think.
As we told you in a previous post, this new business concept consists of a kitchen where all kinds of takeaway dishes are made through delivery applications. A system that, in view of the health crisis we are suffering, may be the exit of many restaurants.
If you are thinking about this possibility, pay attention to the advice we give you below.
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Elements to open a dark kitchen

As it is an open kitchen and does not have any kind of living room products such as tables or chairs, it also does not require a large design to accommodate a large number of orders.
These ghost kitchens are almost always centrally located. Potential markets for the restaurants that operate there
As in dark kitchens there is no physical contact with the customers, it is necessary to develop good digital marketing and advertising strategies.
This type of business has tools such as presence in social networks and interaction between the seller and the customer through order apps.
In this way, you will be recognized by the people in the gastronomic market and work on the loyalty of your clientele.
It is also important to have an alliance with a home delivery company or to form your own group of delivery people.
If you have a small budget, the best option is to create an alliance with a delivery company. Besides having the delivery team, they have the platform and a space conquered on the Internet.
The establishment of this alliance will mean the payment of percentages. Therefore, you will not have the projected profits at the beginning.
In a short time, the best idea is to establish your own team of delivery people.
This action will give you more control over your business and increase your profits.
Considerations before thinking about opening a dark kitchen

Before making a decision about the relevance of this business model and its application in your restaurant, you have to take into account some risks that may arise in the development of your plan
The first is that you should always handle everything legally, so it is ideal to have someone to advise you when drawing up and signing a contract or managing a permit.
As far as receiving orders is concerned, it is necessary to have an order platform that promotes your brand. When setting up a dark kitchen it is also important to have a website where people can place their orders.
For the proper functioning of the kitchen, it is important that each cook is aware that orders can come up at any time
Also, it is a priority to treat the people who come to the shop to order their takeaway dishes and then the orders that exist in the applications.
In the case of delivery, you must establish the places where the delivery service will be made and the routes that will be followed to reach your destination as quickly as possible.
If in any of the deliveries the customers are not satisfied, you must offer a space on your website for your customers to leave their comments on the service and how they could improve it.
We insist, you must react to good and bad comments. In the case of negative comments, contact the customer, try to identify the nonconformity and find a way to solve it.
Pro and con of the dark kitchen

Like everything in life, dark kitchens offer advantages and disadvantages.
At Monouso, we mention those that we believe can impact your business, both negatively and positively.
- As part of the advantages of this concept, the food that will be delivered to customers will be freshly made and maintaining its presentation.
- Personnel costs are reduced considerably.
- The money, which should be used to pay for personnel, can be redirected to the purchase of the best ingredients for the dishes. This will raise the standard of your cooking.
- The investment budget in kitchen utensils such as plates or glasses is reduced.
- Not all models are perfect. As part of the disadvantages, we have the lack of customer service, which can slow down the establishment of a customer-business relationship.
- This same lack of contact with your customers can lead them to think that it is not the best experience.
- You will depend largely on the Internet, digital marketing and the budget you allocate to this operation.
Packaging and the dark kitchen industry

The containers where the dishes are served to be delivered to the customers are important to offer a complete and quality service.
In a wrong way, the most novice restaurants make the mistake of buying bad quality packaging, under the belief that it is a good way to reduce the costs of your business.
However, among the customer service actions that are most appreciated in this type of business is the maximum care with the orders.
The packaging, in addition to serving as a means of transporting the dishes, is a method of protection for your shipments.
We understand the need to optimize your costs and obtain the necessary quality products with the best market prices.
Therefore, if you enter our Monouso virtual shop you will find the best quality packaging at the best price.
Plates, glasses, cutlery, packaging, trays, napkins and food boxes are some of the products you will find in the sections of our store.
Each of these products are presented in various manufacturing materials, focusing on supporting you to provide a high quality delivery service.
Visit Monouso and discover the products with the quality you need to offer your customers the service they deserve.
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