How to vacuum pack in glass jars

Recycling glass jars and learning to make vacuum in glass jars are two of the most useful things you can learn and put into practice in your kitchen.

Everything starts as a game, but when you realize the possibilities of making preserves and saving them for when they are needed, you will not stop.

However, it’s not all cough and sigh about recycling.

You must prepare the jars, sterilize them, make the conversation and then vacuum them so that your preparation lasts much longer.

Is there a special glass for making vacuum?

Frascos de conserva

We can argue that almost all glass jars are recyclable, but this is not an absolute truth.

There are jars that you can recycle without thinking about it too much. The ones that had conversations, jams, sauces, among other foods, are 100% recyclable and durable.

What makes them special? That they were made to preserve food under vacuum and the lids are metal with thread. This kind of lids are the best for these tasks.

On the other hand, all jars that – even when they contain food – are thinner and the lid is not screwed on, are not suitable for canning and vacuum storage.

You can recycle them, it’s OK, but not to make vacuum and preserves.

Steps for vacuuming glass jars

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The first thing to do is to prepare the jar, remove the stickers that came from the factory and sterilize them so that they are as good as new.

After preparing the jars, let’s move on to canning.

The food should be at room temperature. We fill the jars leaving at least one centimeter empty. That is: Do not fill it to the top!

Close the lid very tightly so that the contents do not escape.

Now it’s time to empty the glass jars.

In a pot where our jars fit, we introduce all the canned conversions and properly sealed.

We fill the pot with running water, it makes the jars cover. We also left one centimeter of the jars without water. The idea is that they are not submerged.

At medium-high heat, we put the pot in the kitchen. Let the water boil for at least 20 minutes.

After a while, we turn off the stove and remove the pot from the remaining heat.

We wait for the water to cool down and remove the jars from the water.

You will see that the lids of each glass jar are sunken. That is an unmistakable sign that we emptied it correctly.

Then, by recommendation, identify each jar. Indicate what they contain and the date of preparation.

Tips to make vacuuming easier

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Making vacuum in glass jars is a quick and easy process.

But there are details, which are often not told to us, that ensure the success of this whole procedure. Here are some of them:

  • If you see any sign of rust on the lid, discard it immediately. Rust can cause damage to your can.
  • Although it sounds obvious, we still mention it: Do not use any jars that have cracks or damage to the glass. It could break, represent a danger and you will lose your preserve.
  • Don’t forget to identify each jar. In time, you won’t remember what was in each jar.
  • As far as preserving is concerned, the idea is to use seasonal products. They will be cheaper and you can eat them whenever you want.

Video to learn how to make vacuum in glass jars

To close this entry in Monouso‘s blog, we wanted to leave you with a video with a simple explanation on how to make vacuum in your preserves.

Remember that you can buy glass jars in our online store, through this link.

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