Ideal foods for freezing in tupperware

Comidas ideales para congelar en tupper

In the hectic world we live in, we always need to know recipes for freezing in tupperware.

They are divine preparations that will allow us to eat, without having to invest time in cooking

While you are here, we present you with a selection of delicious recipes for tupperware, perfect for quick cooking.

Food for tupperware and safe freezing

Comida para tupper y congelar de forma segura

Here are a few ideas for frozen tupperware meals. The selection criterion was based on the speed of preparation and their suitability for freezing without losing their characteristics.

Lasagne and gutters

We open the list with two recipes of Italian gastronomy.

Lasagne and cannelloni are perfect for cooking and freezing. Besides, you can have them ready and delicious after heating them in the microwave.

One of the particularities of these foods is that, like wine, the more time passes the better they taste.


Other recipes you can prepare and freeze in tupperware are soups. No matter which recipe you choose , freezing a soup will be a good idea to eat it whenever you like .


The croquettes are divine when freshly prepared, but they are also a perfect meal to store in a tupperware and freeze.

Here you have two options, you can store them cooked or raw. If you store them raw, be sure to take them out ahead of time so you can fry them safely.

Stews without potatoes

Those delicious lentil, pea, bean and other stews are also recipes for freezing in tupperware.

The only recommendation is to avoid using potatoes during preparation . It could spoil the final result when reheating.

If you love potatoes in stews, we advise you to prepare them, freeze them in a tupperware and add them to the stew when you are going to eat them.


The chickpea cream, besides being delicious and very versatile, is ideal to reserve in a tupperware and freeze it.

To avoid damaging the hummus during the reheating process, it is best to store them in small portions that you can heat without having to remove the whole preparation.

Meatballs in sauce

Meatballs, whether they are meat, chicken, turkey or any other protein, are perfect preparations for frozen storage.

Prepare them as you normally do, place them in a tupperware and freeze for as long as you need.

You can also store meatballs raw. It only takes a few minutes to cook them when you’re craving meatballs for lunch.


Stews are also recipes for freezing in tupperware, keeping their characteristics intact during freezing and -when consumed- they will look like they have just been cooked.

Do you like sirloin? Freeze it!

Pork tenderloin, cooked to perfection, could not be missing from our list of foods for freezing in Tupperware.

Just pull out the tupperware and heat your tenderloin, and you’ll have a perfect meal in just minutes. Dare to surprise everyone at your next lunch.


Hamburgers are among the most versatile dishes in gastronomy

You can make them from any kind of beef, pork, beef, fish and even vegetables. The best thing is that you can keep them frozen – raw or cooked – and have them ready in no time, whenever you want to eatthem.


Vegetables are also excellent foods for cooking and freezing.

You should only cook them before storing them. Then you can use them to eat in salads, add them to other preparations or just as a side dish for your meals.


Although they are not complete recipes, freezing your sauces can also help you save a lot of time at mealtimes.

Imagine you want to eat pasta, prepare fettuccine, take the sauce out of the freezer, heat it up and in no time you will have an incredible meal on your plate

Tips when preparing food for tupperware and freezing

Consejos al preparar comida para tupper y congelar

Now we’ll give you some final tips on the art of cooking and freezing. Just by following them you will ensure success at the end of the process.

  1. Before storing the tupperware in the freezer, wait until the food is at room temperature. Storing it while it is still hot will use more energy from the freezer to do its job.
  2. The ideal temperature to store food is 0 degrees or less, so your food stays in perfect condition longer.
  3. Use special tupperware for freezing. This is the only way to ensure that the results are as expected. When buying tupperware for freezing, prefer thin rectangular containers, so you can use the space better.
  4. First in, first out. That should be the policy for you to eat the food without having it frozen too long. As much as possible, put the preparation time in the container. When you eat it, you will be sure of the time it has been frozen.

Containers for freezing food

Envases para congelar comida

You already know the most delicious and easy to prepare recipes, now it’s time to make sure you have the perfect tupperware to freeze your food.

We invite you to visit Monousoand know the various options we have for you.

First of all, we have a section dedicated to plastic containers where you will find a wide variety of tupperware to store food, which can also be frozen.

In addition, to improve your results and optimize the use of your freezer space, we have freezer bags what better results it offers you when storing your frozen foods.

We have a secure delivery service in the comfort of your home or business

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