Ideas for recycling cardboard rolls

Ideas para reciclar rollos de cartón

Recycling cardboard rolls is perfect for giving a second life to that waste that is always left over at home. When we finish using the toilet paper, kitchen paper or receive a package in the mail, we have a spare roll of cardboard.These rolls – almost always – we throw them away, without exploiting the potential they have to offer.That’s why we bring you several ideas for recycling cardboard rolls. Simple crafts that you can do alone or with your family Take note of the ones that appeal to you the most and start collecting the cardboard tubes you have at home and put them into practice.

Where do you get the cardboard tubes for recycling?

¿De dónde sacar los tubos de cartón para reciclar?As mentioned above, the cardboard tubes come with some of the products we purchase for the home or office.Film paper, aluminium foil, toilet paper, hand towels and absorbent paper are some of the products that – when finished – leave a cardboard roll as waste.If you are attracted by the idea of recycling the cardboard rolls, keep them in a basket or in a box that protects them. By having several cardboard tubes, you’ll be ready to make several crafts.

Best crafts for recycling cardboard rolls

Mejores manualidades para reciclar rollos de cartónThe best thing about using cardboard rolls is that they are simple to modify, so you won’t need much effort to give them a new and functional life.Let’s see how you can make use of this waste material.

Desktop organizer

To make your desk organizer you need 10 rolls of cardboard in the sizes you prefer, paints, markers, cardboard, scissors and silicone.The cardboard will be the base of your organizer, so paint it and let it dry well before gluing the cardboard rolls.If you wish to store markers, colours or pens, place the tubes vertically. Cut them all out to the same size and that’s it, you’ll have a perfect pencil container.On the other hand, if you want to store small objects, such as paper clips, we will use the cardboard rolls horizontally.Cover the ends of the rolls, glue several horizontally and make a small hole in the body of each roll. Through this hole, you will be able to store the office material you want.

Cable separator

If you are one of those who has a charger for every electronic device, this is the ideal solution for you.Take a shoe box, place several cardboard tubes in a row and stand upright. Inside each roll, you will have the space you need to place the cables in order and without them getting tangled up with the rest.


Cardboard rolls are a perfect option for making decorative lamps for rooms, living rooms, offices or any other space.For the lamps you can use the long cardboard tubes, brushes and paints you want.With the help of a cutter, cut out the patterns you like on the cardboard tube. They can be lines, circles or any other figure. For decoration you can leave their natural look or paint them with the colours. Another option is to paint them according to the room they will be used in.Finally, place a lamp holder inside the cardboard roll , install the bulb, connect the lamp to the power supply and enjoy.

Gift boxes

If you are going to give a small gift and do not want to buy a package that is bigger than the gift, design your own wrapping.Take a roll of cardboard of the size of your preference, decorate with the patterns or designs that you like best.To close the gift tube you can fold the edges and glue. Another option, more beautiful, is to make two lids with cardboard.


If you are one of those people who always buy flowers to brighten up and give colour to your home, you can put them in your personalised vase , perfect for recycling cardboard rolls.Take a cardboard tube of kitchen paper and put a glass inside it. This is the secret to retaining water from the flowers, without damaging the roll.Decorate your vase with the materials you want, from paintings to appliqués of various materials, the idea is that your work stands out without overshadowing the flowers.

Scraper for your pet

If you have a cat and you want him to have a toy to amuse him, the cardboard tubes are ideal for making a cat scratcher.Stack several cardboard tubes of absorbent paper until you reach the height you want. Join with hot silicone.It surrounds the structure of the cardboard rolls with cord. As you roll up the cord, glue it with silicone to prevent it from coming off and you have to start over.Also, make sure you don’t leave any gaps for your cat to playin.

Recycle cardboard rolls with children

Reciclar rollos de cartón con niñosRecycling cardboard rolls is also ideal for creating crafts and games for the little ones in the house.The best thing about using the cardboard tubes is that they do not pose any danger to children, so they can participate in the process of making the crafts.Let’s look at some ideas for recycling cardboard rolls and creating a new world for your children, siblings, nephews or little friends.

Wreaths for princes and princesses

To play royalty, it is important that each member has his or her crown . Recycling cardboard rolls you can make nice customized crowns.The materials needed to make the crowns are cardboard tubes, elastic thread, paints, brushes, decorative adhesive tape and scissors.Decorate the cardboard rolls with the colours you want or with various decorative adhesive tapes. When finished, cut one of the edges of the roll in a zigzag pattern to give it the typical crown look.To put the crown on without it falling off, open two small holes on the sides of the other end of the cardboard tube to place the elastic and tie itoff.

Racing cars

If children want to race on a racetrack, what better way than to make their race car a winner?To make the racing cars you need several tubes of toilet paper, scissors, paint, cardboard, silicone and markers.Decorate the cardboard tubes with the paints you prefer and let them dry completely.While the paint on the cardboard tubes is drying, draw several circles on the cardboard and cut them out to be the car tyres.Paint the circles in black and the centre with white paint, so that it is understood that it is the tyre.Stick the tyres to the cardboard roll with a little silicone and finish the final details such as the runner’s number with a marker.


Regardless of the theme, the dolls are fun toys with which great stories are recreated while the children have fun with them.To make your dolls you need several rolls of cardboard, scissors, paint, markers, silicone, coloured cards and accessories (buttons, pompoms, glitter).Define what the theme of your dolls will be and start making them. If they are princesses, you can make the dress and the crown with coloured cards and the hair with yarn.If you are going to make dolls with Christmas motifs to decorate during the holiday, use cotton to make the beards and felt for Santa’s and elf’s hats and clothes.

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