Innovation in restaurants: close and affordable

When you see the word innovation, what do you think of? I’m sure you visualize something disruptive or unique, that stands out from the rest. In the restaurant industry, one of the most important aspects associated with innovation in restaurants is the use of new technologies, which strengthen the relationship between customers, restaurants and hoteliers.
The digital transformation contemplates a way to connect your business with the public through technology. It also includes gastronomic experiences designed to achieve loyalty and, therefore, preference.
An excellent attention and the satisfaction of your clients has great relevance, since it generates the necessity to share that experience showing through its social networks the quality and the good service.
Innovation in restaurants has a wide range of action options focused on achieving customer satisfaction.
Implementing the use of mobile applications together with the delivery service speeds up orders, deliveries, reservations and payments.
Another option, which also makes a difference, is the proper management of the restaurant’s website. Through this channel you will be able to get your customers’ data to interact, sending emails with promotions and point programs.
These are initiatives that give you the opportunity to keep a close contact with your customers, establish a direct relationship, focused on responding to their interests and demands.
Are you interested in putting an innovative spin on your business? Read on and you will discover several ways to differentiate yourself from your competition.
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Necessary elements to forge an innovative restaurant

To create an innovative restaurant it is necessary to have a clear idea of the type of business model that is being managed, in this way it is possible to know what our market is, what is being done in the environment and how to innovate.
Innovation promotes the growth of your restaurant, adopting changes that serve to add value to the business.
Among the elements necessary to forge an innovative restaurant are
Element 1: innovative product

In this section they must show solutions that meet the needs of the customer, to create a successful product.
An innovative product must be aligned with the business model, with an adaptability that allows changes to be included without losing the essence of the business and that is up to date with current market trends.
To stand out it is necessary to innovate and include sections that allow to mark the difference in your restaurant like:
- Use products that are respectful of the environment.
- Include in the menu options for healthy diets or vegan food.
- Create attractive products to share through social networks.
- Maintain the availability of customer service at any time of the day
- To have a varied gastronomic offer that includes: hamburgers, tacos, salads, juices, ice cream or smoothies, among others.
Element 2: innovative service

To achieve an innovative service it is necessary to look from the customer’s perspective, thinking like him and developing effective systems that allow to offer an excellent service.
Providing a different service experience will allow your customers to feel comfortable, calm and well attended during their stay in your restaurant.
It is also important to consider some aspects that can make a difference such as:
- Knowing in detail the type of attention offered to the client.
- Determine the reasons why customer service may be affected.
- Identify the necessary elements to provide a quality service.
Element 3: processes focused on innovation

The processes of innovation in restaurants are focused on simplicity, time savings and the solution of inconveniences that may arise during a service.
Defining the methods and procedures to be implemented is indispensable for working as a team in a fast, comfortable and orderly manner.
To improve the innovation processes it is important to be clear:
- If your restaurant has processes that slow down the service.
- If there are processes that make your team uncomfortable.
- To know if your work team has the adequate training and resources to adequately carry out their tasks.
If you identify any improvement opportunities, apply the necessary measures to reverse the situation and change the process, focusing on the innovation you need.
Element 4: drive innovation in restaurants from the brand

This element focuses on the aspects of value that your brand can offer and that, in turn, cover the expectations of your customers:
- Becoming familiar with the history of your restaurant.
- Knowing the origin of your food.
- Having natural food.
- Good treatment for your work team.
The idea is to break with the traditional business-client relationship, creating a real and strong bond, a differentiating relationship between your restaurant and your guests.
Element 5: innovative communication

Communicating in this digital era is vital to find new options for innovation.
Connecting with your clients and establishing innovative communication is the best way to promote your brand.
Ideally, you should create different marketing strategies for your restaurant.
By including innovative marketing you will discover what factors will guarantee success in communication, how you can manage that information and how it will benefit your business.
Element 6: Innovative experience

Enjoying an enriching and enjoyable experience is what your customers expect.
Therefore, your actions should focus on offering moments that exceed your customers’ expectations.
Offering an innovative experience to your customers depends on
- Correct segmentation of your target audience and customers.
- Know your visitors’ expectations.
- Understand the needs of your customers.
- Offer a service that includes entertainment during your customers’ stay in the restaurant.
Element 7: Consider your community

Bringing value to your community is a very important aspect for your customers, and it also offers a different image of your brand.
Sponsor or support causes that benefit the neediest in your community. You can focus on local festivals. You should make it clear that your community is counting on your business.
To achieve this type of innovation is necessary:
- To know if there is a need in your community that has not been addressed.
- Know the causes you would like to support.
- Participate with your team in activities that support the community.
Skills to be developed to achieve innovation in restaurants

Nowadays, innovating in a restaurant is a very effective way to attract customers and develop new experiences. When these strategies are well applied and directed, you pave the way for their loyalty.
Keeping up to date with gastronomic trends and the activities of the competition are essential aspects to include new elements to make you stand out, surprise and make a difference.
Detecting the needs of your customers will be a key element in generating strategies that seek to satisfy diners, keeping one step ahead of the competition.
In this way, your restaurant project will have the opportunity to stand out, not only for being the place with the best customer service, but also for being a different space with the capacity to exceed the expectations of any diner.
Learn to listen

Today’s lifestyle has constant changes where trends serve as a guide to discover the opinions, motivations and requests of customers.
Listening to the needs of your guests will allow you to adapt the gastronomic offer, the type of service and the activities that you can offer in your restaurant. A good way to listen is the Internet. On social networks, forums and websites in the sector you can understand what your ideal customer expects, what their motivations and needs are.
With good research, you will be able to offer a tailor-made service, where everyone can identify with it.
Superior service for your customer

Innovation in restaurants through new technologies facilitates customer service and serves as a tool to include services through mobile phones, among other technological devices.
Through devices with touch screens, diners will be able to choose from several options in the available menu, detailing the ingredients of each dish.
This is a resource used by some restaurants, especially those aimed at a young audience.
In addition to the traditional service, these restaurants offer the opportunity to do all the service, including payment, through touch screens. Without having to wait for a waiter.
Innovative restaurants, motivating examples

As you know, innovation in restaurants is carried out to meet the needs and demands of today’s customers.
Some of the restaurants with innovative proposals are:
Pay-per-minute café: located in Russia, in this café-bar you only pay for the time you spend there. It is a quiet space where business meetings can be held, the buffet is free and the drinks are free.
If your stay is one hour, you must pay the standard rate which is 8 euros.
It is a space where collaborative work and the birth of new start-ups are promoted.
Panera Café: this restaurant is located in the United States. Its business model is based on paying for what you think the food is worth, as this place offers a priceless service.
It has a varied menu whose estimated market price is $ 5.85. However, it offers the freedom that the client only pays the value he considers for the food he tastes.
El Tintero de Málaga, is a restaurant located in Spain that does not have a menu.
The service is offered through a group of waiters who, loudly, are responsible for auctioning the dishes among those present.
Without a doubt, bidding on the food you want to eat creates a memorable experience and above-average profits.
El Trocito del Medio: located in Valencia, this restaurant offers the kitchen service of your purchase for 4 euros.
It is ideal for those who have very specific tastes, are allergic to any food or do not eat any vegetables.
You only have to go to the market to buy what you want to eat, go to the restaurant and they will cook it to your liking. You also have the option to bring your own wine, they will only charge you a small fee for this service.
We hope that this article has been useful and motivates you to establish the necessary strategies to differentiate yourself in your area. We assure you something: you will learn a lot and you will be a reference in the sector.
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