Keys to pick up packages without health risk

Claves para recoger paquetes sin riesgo sanitario

With the emergence and rapid spread of the coronavirus worldwide, all economic sectors have found it necessary to implement safety protocols to avoid health risks.

Amidst the measures implemented to prevent contagion, one of the most requested services is home delivery.

The companies that provide these services have been in charge of implementing the necessary measures to avoid contact between the deliverers and the clients , and in turn, the risk of contagion.

He knows the key techniques and measures that companies should follow in order to deliver the packages without running risks to the health of both customers and employees.

Collect packages safely

Recoger paquete con seguridad

For the process of collecting the packages they have devised a strategy in which the customers have no contact with the deliverymen.

The deliverymen must be equipped with protective measures such as masks, gloves and hydroalcoholic gel.

Once they have arrived at the delivery address of a package, they should place a box or folding bench on the floor . They will then place the package to be delivered on top. It should not be in contact with the floor.

When placing the order in front of the delivery area, the customer will be called to say that he must pick up his order. When the customer arrives, the delivery person must go back to a distance of two meters.

With the use of these protective measures, the paper-based reception signature was replaced by electronic signatures and some companies have removed them until further notice.

Is it necessary to clean the packages?

¿Es necesario limpiar los paquetes?

Although the risk of contagion from contact with packages is known to be minimal, it is best to take precautionary hygiene measures.

When you go out to receive a package it is recommended that you wear gloves to avoid direct contact with the package.

Place the package on a flat surface that is easy to disinfect. Open the package with the help of scissors or a cutter.

Once the box has been opened, remove the gloves from your hands and empty the contents of the package

When you are done, it is important to dispose of the box outside the house, disinfect the area where you placed the straw to open it and finish the process by washing your hands with plenty of soap and water, following the instructions you are familiar with.

What to do with the packaging of the packages at home

Qué hacer con el embalaje de los paquetes a domicilio

Unlike the contents of the package, the packaging is more exposed to viruses and bacteria.

If the packaging that your package has brought with it has a porous texture, it is not feasible to disinfect and clean it. So you should dispose of it in the nearest recycling container.

What you should consider, regardless of the type of packaging, is handling it with gloves and a mask, and disinfecting with bleach the areas of the house with which it has come into contact.

When I pick up the package do I need to clean the product?

Al recoger el paquete ¿Necesito limpiar el producto?

When you have collected a package, the cleanliness of the product will depend on the safety of the packaging in which it was contained.

Generally, packaging is completely sealed and does not allow any interaction of viruses or bacteria with the products contained.

However, if you wish, you can disinfect the packaging of the products with alcohol or some disinfectant product -such as chlorine- as long as it is not a food.

Are there any risks when collecting packages at home?

¿Hay riesgos en la recogida de paquetes en casa?

The virus can be present in the environment, in people or on surfaces; therefore it cannot be denied that there are risks during the collectionof packages.

However, with the application of established hygiene and protection measures, the risk of contagion when delivering or collecting packages is minimal.

Time of permanence of Covid-19 on surfaces

Tiempo de permanencia del Covid-19 en superficies

The permanence of the Covid-19 varies according to the surfaces of the objects, in this case, the packages at home.

The virus is stable on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for at least 72 hours after contact.

For cardboard surfaces, the virus only remains for 24 hours; for copper, it lasts up to four hours.

Although these are their established survival times on each surface, this may vary depending on the conditionsthey are in.

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