
curiosidades sobre la laminación

There are different processes to reduce the thickness of certain materials with malleable properties. One of these processes is known as lamination, where a certain degree of pressure is exerted on the material by means of a device.

What is lamination?

Rolling is an industrial process to reduce the thickness of a metal sheet, as well as other materials with good malleability. This process occurs with the application of pressure on the material, through a machine known as a rolling mill.

Types of laminations

The types of laminations depend on the temperature used during the manufacturing process. We can distinguish the following types of laminations most commonly used in the packaging and hospitality industry.

BOPP lamination

BOPP lamination has a high functionality and dust absorption capacity. It is very safe as it does not emit toxic gases hazardous to health. It is ideal for flexible packaging, provides excellent durability and is environmentally friendly.

PE lamination

PE laminated cardboard has high strength, flexibility and high absorption capacity. It is ideal for packaging fruits and vegetables in refrigerated environments. It is also a sustainable material, 100% recyclable and FSC certified.

PET lamination

PET lamination is manufactured with recyclable materials for the care of nature. It has a high resistance to humidity, temperature and light and is perfect for use as menu cards, identification cards and packaging for different beverages.

PLA Lamination

PLA lamination is an excellent ecological alternative in the packaging industry. Its manufacture is derived from renewable resources such as corn starch or sugar cane, very popular for food packaging.

Plastic lamination

Plastic laminate comes from the union between decorative paper and kraft paper, composed of several key ingredients. It has high resistance to shock, friction, incandescent light and temperature, as well as easy to clean.

PP Lamination

PP lamination features high impermeability and tear resistance. Its lamination film offers a transparent and glossy finish, as well as high performance and low price. Due to its properties, it is especially used to preserve the aroma of packaged foods.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lamination?

Laminating is a process based on the volumetric deformation of a mouldable material to reduce its original thickness. In this process, a series of compressive forces are applied to the sheet being processed by means of two rollers.

What types of laminations can we find?

The types of laminations depend on the manufacturing process, which varies according to the properties of the material. Among its typology, there is cold lamination and hot lamination, each one used according to its application and required final finish.

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