Mandatory signs for businesses you need to know about

Mandatory signs for businesses you need to know about

According to Spanish legislation, hotel and catering businesses must place – in view of their customers – certain mandatory business signs inside their establishment.

Mandatory signs in shops provide customers and visitors with a variety of information of interest. For example: working hours or capacity.

On the other hand, mandatory signs for businesses serve to communicate what can and cannot be done during the stay onthe premises.

Read on to find out which signs you should put up in your business, the meaning of each of the hospitality signs and put them up as soon as possible. Avoid being fined.

Working hours, licenses and capacity

Working hours, leave and capacity

Important information about your restaurant such as opening hours and capacity should be posted on a sign visible to customers.

In times of coronavirus, the capacity is an interesting fact that you should notify your clientele about.

It is important that you have another sign indicating the current licence of the premises and the documents certifying that you meet the legal requirements to operate without inconvenience.

If you wish, you can add to these signs a suggestion or complaint form for customers to leave their opinions about the restaurant’s service

The fact of consulting the opinion is always welcomed by customers.

Mandatory prohibition signs

Mandatory prohibition signs

Each restaurant has the power to prohibit certain actions or behaviours within its establishment.

It is therefore important to make use of the mandatory business prohibition signs, which clearly indicate what should be avoided.

No smoking

If your restaurant does not have a designated smoking area, it is necessary to put up a no smoking sign.

Failure to install this mandatory business sign could result in fines ranging from €30 to €600.

Alcoholic beverages to minors

It is acriminal offence to sell alcoholic drinks to minors, so you must put up a sign making it clear that your restaurant does not promote such practices.

Place this underage drinking sign in a visible place in the restaurant, either at the entrance or at the counter.

Sale of tobacco to minors

Like alcohol, the sale of tobacco to minors under the age of 18 is prohibited and you must post a mandatory business sign with this information.

Make sure you have this sign in your restaurant or you will incur a fine. In this case, the fine ranges from €10,000 and upwards.

Right of admission? This is the sign

If your restaurant reserves the right of admission, indicate this through the mandatory signs for businesses.

It is important to remember that there must be a probable reason for not allowing a person to enter the establishment.

Otherwise, it could be considered a discriminatory action against the person wishing to enter. If so, you could be charged with discrimination.

Price List

Another mandatory sign for businesses is one that lists the prices of each product.

Rather than having them on the menu, it is a good idea to have the prices – including tax – on the counter or at the entrance of the restaurant.

Other hotel and catering signs

Other hospitality posters

In addition to the obligatory signs for businesses that indicate information about the establishment or actions to avoid, there are signs in the hotel and catering industry that should not be missing.

These mandatory signs for bars, restaurants and other hospitality businesses focus on recommended hygiene measures and the operation of the business.

Hygiene recommendations

Hospitality signs with hygiene recommendations should mention the importance of hand washing before and after food consumption.

These posters usually have infographics on how to wash hands efficiently and are placed in the washrooms of the establishment.

You can reinforce the message by pointing out the importance of hand washing to avoid contracting diseases, such as coronavirus.

Performance at the bar

With the advent of Covid-19, hospitality businesses are required to place mandatory signs in shops on how staff and customers should act during service.

The content of these signs should provide information on what to do and what not to do during their stay in the restaurant, in order to ensure biosecurity measures for each customer.

For example, keeping a social distance or the proper use of a face mask are some of the considerations you could inform with such signs.

Steps for ordering take-away food

To make it easy for customers to order take-away food, put up a sign that is educational and that you don’t leave any details uncovered.

Explain the signs that indicate the social distancing when inside the establishment, the payment area, the order pick-up area and the biosecurity measures that must be followed while waiting for your products.

Process for home ordering

During the implementation of containment, home delivery has become a safe selling method for restaurants and other businesses.

Inform your customers about the process they must follow to order home delivery from your restaurant.

Post a detailed sign both in-store and on social media.

To work well, you need more than signage

To work well, you need more than posters

More than just mandatory signs for businesses that point out to customers what information they are looking for or what not to do in the establishment, there are mandatory products that you must have in your restaurant for a five-star service.

Monouso, our online shop, offers you a variety of quality products for the catering industry at affordable prices.

In our catalogue you will find the crockery and cutlery necessary for customers to consume the dishes on your menu, as well as special utensils and protective equipment for each member of staff.

In order to guarantee hygiene and biosafety within your restaurant, we have a section with hygiene products ranging from hydroalcoholic gel to soap dispensers or hand-drying paper.

Visit us and discover everything we have to help you deliver a memorable service.

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