Monouso supports professional Valencian pilots

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Valencian piloting is much more than a sport for the community that bears its name. Declared an Intangible Cultural Asset, it is a game that concentrates cultural, social, ethnographic and linguistic aspects that demonstrate the wealth and tradition of its inhabitants.

This sport consists in throwing a ball to the opponent(s) with the naked hand or with small protections. It is characterized by its different modalities among which the following stand out: la escala i corda, la galotxa, el raspall and the Valencian fronton. In addition, they can be played in their version of direct (or opposing fields) and indirect (or against a wall) play.

We sponsor José Vicente Pérez “Sofurk“, a professional player of Valencian pelota

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At Monouso we are committed to a sustainable living model in which we not only focus on sustainable products, but also on people. That is why, in 2020, we wanted to support young talents such as José Vicente Pérez Aguilar, his nickname Sofurk, a professional pilot from Valencia, who represents this idea and tries to spread physical activity as the driving force behind this lifestyle.

The Club Pilotari Vinalesa player and winner, among other trophies, of the 2019 Individual Championship of Escala i Corda is proud to be part of one of the sports with the most tradition that does not stop gaining followers. “People who come to watch the games then want to play,” he said emphatically. At the same time, he is delighted with Monouso’s sponsorship, as he considers it a good initiative to encourage its practice.

The variety of modalities and styles when it comes to playing the game makes it an incentive for new generations who, like Sofurk, want to explore other sports beyond football.

Monouso did not want to miss the opportunity to sponsor the player, as it shares the idea that exercise plays a fundamental role in living healthily.

Don’t miss the full interview in future posts!

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