The new biodegradable hospitality trends of 2023

descubre las nuevas tendencias de packaging biodegradable para hostelería en 2023

As the year 2022 draws to a close, many businesses are now in the process of creating ideas to usher in the new year.

One of the ideas currently on the rise is the use of more biodegradable materials.

7 biodegradable trends for your hospitality business

Bars and restaurants are currently the biggest producers of plastic waste. This situation has further worsened with the regular use of the delivery model.

In order to reduce and control this situation, the European Union has been forced to establish rules. On 3 July 2021, a new regulation came into force, the main purpose of which is to ban the use of single-use plastics.

Establishments are already working to adapt to this law. Some of the trends they are opting for are as follows:

  • Packaging: These are the biggest contributors to waste, as the main material from which they are made is plastic.

Nowadays, containers have been made from other materials, mainly corn starch or PLA (polylactic acid, which comes from the use of the remains of corn starch) and which meet the necessary and appropriate conditions to fulfil their functions, albeit in a more sustainable way.

  • Straws: You probably remember the traditional coloured straws that waiters used to bring you to drink your juice when you were a child. However, you didn’t know that the main material used to make them was plastic.

Now, we can find much less environmentally damaging options. In today’s market, we can find biodegradable canes made from different materials such as bamboo, food or wheat straw. The use of one ingredient or another gives rise to different variants of this product, which can offer different smells, flavours or even give rise to edible straws.

  • Wooden utensils: Most delivery deliveries are usually accompanied by disposable plastic cutlery. One way to make this service more sustainable is by using wooden utensils.
  • Cardboard and paper disposables: This is a great solution for your business, ranging from napkins to tableware and even the bags themselves.

Also, one of the highlights of this trend is that you can add your venue’s logo.

  • Palm leaf containers: Palm leaves can be used to make trays.
  • Sugar cane utensils: Another material that can be used to make substitutes is the remains of sugar cane.
  • Biodegradable rubbish bags: Although we may think that the word biodegradable may seem to be a more expensive product, the opposite is true, as it has a similar price and the same characteristics as normal bags.

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