New normality in the hotel business

Nueva normalidad en la hostelería

The hotel industry is one of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 and after the decree of the new normality, they have had to take actions to guarantee the recovery of the trade.

Dealing with factors such as the reduction of consumption in the premises, the change in consumers and the reduction in the restaurant’s capacity.

It is estimated that by carrying out new actions to boost the economy of this sector, its recovery will be evident during the year 2021.

Find out about the challenges facing the hotel and catering sector in this new normality, as well as the most important health measures that restaurants must take from now on.

Challenges of the new normality

Retos de la nueva normalidad

The challenges of the new normality in the hospitality industry after the most notable ravages of the global pandemic are, to say the least, numerous. They arise from the need to regain control within the organization and the emerging legislative context in the face of the decree of the new normality in the hotel industry.

The idea is to give continuity to the activities we used to carry out before the pandemic and which, in the face of the emergency, had to be modified.

Consolidate aspects such as innovation, safety, hygiene and new experiences that make the customer happy will allow us to recover lost time, thus achieving the restoration of the sector.

Another of the challenges for the hotel and catering industry is a new normality:

  • Promote measures to maintain balance and promote calm to continue working.
  • Establish action plans to ensure immediate responses in the event of systemic failures.
  • To implement new sustainable models that allow for the establishment of best practices and new work formats with the help of technology.

Hospitality trends in the new normal

Tendencias de la hostelería en la nueva normalidad

In order to promote the hospitality industry in the new normality, it is necessary to consider various aspects that will allow you to measure the adaptation capacity of the new post-pandemic consumer. These are:

  • Digitalization.
  • Adaptation of the premises.
  • Renewal of the menu.
  • Regulatory measures.
  • Social distance.

Health measures of the new normality

Medidas sanitarias de la nueva normalidad

After the end of the state of alarm and the publication of the sanitary measures to be applied to the new normality in the hotel and catering industry, a new stage begins in which the active participation of not only the hotel and catering sector, but also the consumer, becomes necessary.

Adapting to the changes can be complicated and in the presence of some restrictions, consumer acceptance may be affected by the implementation of these new regulations.

Some of the restrictions limit the capacity of the premises, the number of people who can sit at a table and establish the location of tables and chairs at a distance of 2 metres.

Among the health measures that are compulsory after the new normality in the hotel and catering industry decree, we have

  • Mandatory use of the mask.
  • Keep the premises clean, from the tables to the toilets, carrying out a complete cleaning after the service is finished and after each use.
  • Maintaining staff hygiene with the use of masks, gloves and hydroalcoholic gels.
  • Maintain a distance of 1.5 m between restaurant staff and customers.
  • Avoiding the use of commonly used menus and, failing that, offering electronic menus available through QR codes and mobile applications.
  • Maintain the distance between the tables inside and outside the premises.
  • Use disposable tablecloths, napkins and glasses.
  • Storing utensils such as plates, cutlery and glasses in closed areas.
  • Encourage electronic payment.

How to apply the new normality in your restaurant?

¿Cómo aplicar la nueva normalidad en tu restaurante?

In order for the application of this new normality in the hotel and catering industry to be effective, it is necessary to carry out adequate monitoring and control to ensure compliance with these rules.

In this way, diners will feel comfortable and will be able to enjoy a different moment under a safe environment that generates a sense of calm and tranquility. This will become the main incentive to attract customers to your restaurant.

Implements for the hotel industry in the new normality

Implementos para la hostelería en la nueva normalidad

In general, businesses in the hotel, restaurant and catering industry are very strict with their safety and cleanliness measures.

However, at the moment, all eyes are on the sector. So, what better than having the best disposable products for your business?

At Monouso, our online store, we have a vast line of single-use products, which will help you keep the Covid-19 away from your premises.

Plates, glasses, cups, cutlery, are some of the products you can purchase to offer your customers a safe and high quality product.

For the general service of your restaurant, you can also find antibacterial gel, disinfectant towels and hygiene products.

Your restaurant staff also have their protection in your hands, so visit our store and discover the products we have for the protection of your staff such as gloves, hats and aprons, all disposable.

Finally, so that safety comes home, we also offer you the best products for your delivery and take away service.

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