The seal OK COMPOST seal is the best alternative that the industrial sector has implemented to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment. There are many companies that have successfully joined.
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What is the OK COMPOST seal?
It is a certification that guarantees that a packaging or product is 100% compostable. This means that its degradation process will be natural and fast, compared to polluting materials. Therefore, such biodegradation will be friendly to the planet and will help to combat environmental issues.
What does it mean for a seal to be compostable?
Nowadays, companies from all sectors have decided to reinvent their policies to contribute to the care of ecosystems. This is why we are seeing more and more OK COMPOST labels on products on the market.
But what does it mean as such that a seal is compostable?
- First of all, it means that it can be biodegraded biologically.
- This is a biodegradation that generates a good quality compost.
- In its decomposition process it produces CO2, water, inorganic compounds and biomass.
- All this means that it does not generate any toxic or harmful waste for ecosystems.
Characteristics of OK COMPOST containers
There are 4 essential characteristics that a container must meet to be considered within the OK COMPOST category.
- Biodegradability: It is important that 90% of its total mass degrades within 6 months.
- Fragmentation: Its fragmentation process into particles must be carried out within a range of 12 weeks and reach a particle size of less than 2mm x 2mm.
- Ecotoxicity: Its ecotoxicity of humus must be produced in a controlled manner at all times.
- Heavy metals: It is strictly necessary that the material does not contain them.
The generation of industrial compost from products or packaging must be carried out under at least 58ºC and with an approximate duration of 6 months. This is different from what is established for home composting certification.
The home composting process can be carried out below 30ºC and within a biodegradation range of 12 months maximum. Industrial compost should not be used for home garden composting, only for industrial farms.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the OK COMPOST label?
It is a certification so that people know that a product or packaging can degrade naturally or biologically. All in the quest for a world where industries create more products that do not harm the planet.
What is OK COMPOST packaging like?
They are similar in appearance to traditional packaging, the difference is that they are biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This means that the plant can process all of its components without any problems; processing material, ink, additives, etc.
What is the difference between industrial and home?
The difference is that the industrial category comprises packaging that can only undergo a biodegradation process in a specialised biodegradation plant. Home category packaging, on the other hand, can be biodegraded for home composting.
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