OPS Plastic

ventajas de plástico ops

There is nothing better than OPS plastic to store and transport food safely. Hygiene is very important and so is environmental care, so the material used for food containers must be of high quality. That is why this material has some uses and benefits that will surprise you.

What is OPS?

OPS plastic is a type of plastic called bioriented polystyrene, characterized by being very flexible and resistant. Besides being transparent, it is optimal for packaging and storing all kinds of food. Food remains fresh for a long time and is easily transported.

There are hermetically sealed containers, ideal for protecting food from external agents and avoiding spills when it comes to soups or liquids. Catering and similar companies prefer them for their ability to display food.

OPS for containers: properties and applications

This type of packaging is made of a highly durable, lightweight and resistant OPS film. It is produced by extruding another PS film resulting in a material with special properties.

It is transparent

This property is perfect for catering services as it allows to see and appreciate the different types of packaged foods, their quality and texture.


OPS plastic has a sufficient degree of resistance to ensure that the food arrives intact at its destination. It withstands temperatures between -40° C and 40° C.


It is very light, so it is quite convenient to transport.


Although it is more fragile than PS, it is rigid enough to ensure food preservation.


Ideal for the food business because it allows the manufacture of airtight containers that guarantee the quality of the food. In the world of bars and catering, articles in OPS range from disposable plates to trays with compartments. Very suitable for spices and snacks.

Advantages of OPS

This is part of what OPS plastic can provide:

  • Hot foods can be packaged.
  • Due to its high transparency, it allows the packaged food to be aesthetically displayed.
  • It can be stored without problems in a refrigerator.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the OPS?

It is a transparent plastic derived from polystyrene, flexible and resistant, widely used in the food business.

What are the advantages of OPS?

Environmentally friendly

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