PEFC Certificate

qué es el certificado PEFC

The PEFC certificate refers to the acronym that identifies the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification. This organization was born in 1999 from the Earth Summit promoted by the UN 7 years earlier. Its basis is the promotion of sustainable forest management, especially for small forest managers.

What is the PEFC certificate?

PEFC certification is a way to address deforestation and forest degradation through an assessment initiative to certify that the preservation of forests and forest biodiversity is achieved through agreed management practices.

Currently, PEFC has already certified more than 280 million hectares of forests (in Spain around two and a half million). In addition, more than 20,000 companies have achieved its recognition, including more than 1,600 Spanish companies.

What kind of products can count on it?

All products derived from wood and forestry that meet the requirements set by the organization are eligible. Therefore, any packaging containing paper or cardboard from certified forests could include this seal.

Therefore, all our PEFC-certified packaging has this clear guarantee, which certifies Monouso’ s commitment to the sustainability of our planet and our conviction that the future of the Earth is painted in green.

What is the utility of the PEFC certificate: advantages?

In addition to the care of forests and woodlands linked to compliance with the principles of PEFC certification, we can highlight the following advantages:

  • An increase in good practices at social, economic and environmental levels.
  • Improvements in production and in the exploitation process, which represent an economic plus.
  • Reduced risk of fires and pests.
  • Collaboration in the fight against climate change, through responsible consumption of natural resources.
  • Increased sustainability.
  • Increased local employment.
  • Decrease in the use of chemical products.
  • Change in the vision of forest products: they are conceived as ecological, renewable and more “pure”.
  • Existence of a legal framework that regulates the activity and prevents practices such as abusive or illegal logging, which is totally harmful to the environment and ecology.

Learn more about other related terms in our Dictionary of Hospitality and Catering.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PEFC certification?

PEFC certification is a way to address deforestation and forest degradation through an assessment initiative to certify that the preservation of forests and forest biodiversity is achieved through agreed management practices.

What kind of products can be PEFC certified?

All products derived from wood and forestry, which meet the requirements set by the organisation, can be certified. Therefore, any packaging containing paper or cardboard that comes from certified forests can carry the PEFC label.

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