Pizza tables: what’s the use of them?

Mesitas para pizza: ¿Cuál es la utilidad que esconden?

I’m sure you’ve seen them. Pizza tables get everyone’s attention. If you’ve ever ordered a pizza, you’ve even touched them. Pizza tables are located in the center of your plate… But, have you ever wondered what their function is?

Although it does not look so, they conceal a very important utility for keeping the pizza in the same presentation as it was when it came out of the oven.

Let’s learn about the qualities of this tool used in home delivered pizzas and learn how to give them a second chance instead of throwing them away.

What are pizza tables?

¿Qué son las mesitas para pizza?

Pizza tables, also known as plastic tripods or pizza guards, are those small objects that are placed in the center of the pizzas.

They are characterized by having three legs and for being made of a resistant material such as plastic, besides that they can have different colors according to the brand of the business.

They are responsible for ensuring that the pizzas maintain their presentation by not allowing them to move around inside the box and also prevent the ingredients from sticking to the box during shipping – nothing more unpleasant!

Thanks to these plastic tables, our pizza will be protected from the friction and contact of the box cover. This is why the purchase of these tables is very useful for hotel and catering businesses that deliver pizzas to your home.

They also help to keep the pizza slices in place, in case they have been cut in the shop before being moved.

Where do pizza tables come from?

De dónde nacen las mesitas para pizza

Mrs. Carmela Vitale, originally from New York, ordered some pizzas to eat with her family, but they arrived stuck to the box.

This fact led Vitale to make a small tripod to place in the centre of the pizza, so that it would hold each of the pizza pieces and not allow them to move around during delivery.

This pizza table was manufactured and registered in 1983 under the name of package saver. Years later, in 1985, Carmela Vitale was granted a patent for this ingenious tool.

Although its original name was package saver, it was recognized as pizza saver, as it was frequently used among food chains selling pizza.

Materials used to make the pizza tables

Materiales se utilizan para fabricar las mesitas de pizza

Pizza tables are usually made of polystyrene (a thermoplastic polymer) or plastic, as they need to be strong and durable.

They are usually between 3.55 centimetres and 4.5 centimetres in size. They are white, although this may change depending on the business.

The three legs on the pizza table are not so sharp, which keep the pizza in its original place without damaging its presentation.

Where can I buy the pizza tables?

If you have a pizza restaurant and you need the tables for home delivery, you can find them at the best price in the Monouso virtual shop.

In addition, in the same section you can find the best pizza boxes, a product made of top quality cardboard, heat resistant, ideal for making your delivery while maintaining the temperature of your pizza.


What are pizza tables?

Pizza tables, also known as plastic tripods or pizza stands, are those small objects that are placed in the center of the pizzas.

They are characterized by having three legs and being made of a resistant material such as plastic, and they can have different colors depending on the brand of the business.

What materials are pizza tables made of?

Pizza tables are usually made of polystyrene (a thermoplastic polymer) or plastic, as they need to be strong and durable.

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