
When we talk about polyethylene, we are talking about one of the cheapest, most common and well-known plastic materials in the world. Among its main characteristics are its flexibility, easy stretching and resistance to both wear and abrasion. Learn more about this material!

What is polyethylene and what types can we find?

It is, in fact, a family of plastics, which we can differentiate, basically, by its density. It is very simple and perfectly resistant to low temperatures. It is also quite economical and withstands impacts well, maintaining its shape without too much damage to its structure.

We can distinguish several types of polyethylene in packaging:

High-density polyethylene

This is one of the most versatile materials and is used in a wide variety of applications. It is particularly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, climatic conditions and corrosion.

In addition, it is easy to cast and mold and can bear a great deal of weight without any problems. In addition, it has a high degree of long-term durability. It is colorless and practically opaque. In addition, it can be easily printed, painted and glued, allowing a wide range of customization options. And it is recyclable!

You will find it mainly as a material for packaging caps.

Low-density polyethylene

Flexibility is the strength of this material. It also resists high temperatures and chemical damage well. Its color is milky and, depending on its thickness, it can even be almost transparent. On the other hand, it is difficult to print, paint or glue on.

As is the case with high-density polyethylene, low-density polyethylene is also recyclable and therefore environmentally responsible.

Vegetable polyethylene

Also known as “green”, this material is a true revolution in the world of bioplastics and, at first, its use was generalized to replace single-use plastic shopping bags.

It is made from bioethanol, sugar cane or even potato starch.

  • Sugar cane: allows the same properties as the other polyethylenes to be obtained.
  • Potato starch : gives the material elasticity, opacity and texture.

This reduces the pollution released into the environment and, at the same time, greenhouse gas emissions.

Polyethylene packaging

Among the outstanding properties of polyethylene food packaging are the following:

  • Food protection: they can contain any product inside and prevent external agents from contaminating them.
  • They are degradable with chemical products.
  • They are resistant and recyclable.

Find out much more about other related terms in our Catering and Food Service Dictionary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is polyethylene?

It is, in fact, a family of plastics, which we can differentiate basically by their density.

What types of polyethylene can we find?

High density, low density and vegetable.

What are the main advantages of polyethylene?

It is very simple and resists low temperatures well. It is quite economical and withstands impacts well, maintaining its shape without too much damage to its structure.

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